Tuesday, December 24, 2019 ~ VANCOUVER ISLAND
~ West Shore Voice News
There were five earthquakes on Monday December 23 offshore from Port Hardy, BC. The magnitude of those deep quakes west of northern Vancouver Island ranged from 4.7 to 6 M.
It started with a 5.2 M quake at 8:44 am. That was followed at 11:13 am with a 5.6 M quake, then a short while later at 11:49 am with a a 6.0 M, another 6.0 at 12:56 pm, and then 4.7 at 3:38 pm. The range of distance from Port Hardy was (in chronological order): 164 km, 167 km, 173 km, 160 km, 157 km — which essentially puts them all in the same source area. [Details from US Geological Survey]
Preparedness officials are naturally reminding coastal British Columbians to have emergency kits ready at all times. Preparedness for seven days is the usual time frame advised.

“It’s a reminder that we live in a seismically active area and we should work on being prepared,” says Jeri Grant, Program Coordinator, Juan de Fuca Emergency Program. “Having an emergency kit is an important thing to have ready at any time,” she says.
‘Reminder-quakes’ are an opportunity to think about next-level preparedness such as securing heavy furniture (like book shelves) to the walls, says Grant.
The first five were at a depth of about 5 kilometres and centred between 160 and 186 kilometres west of Port Hardy on Vancouver Island, said Earthquakes Canada.
The quakes were located on the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate which lies between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate.
The area is highly geologically active where small quakes happening frequently, many of which are never felt on land.
No tsunami warning was given for the December 23 series of quakes.