Home Health Community Health First Victoria-area clubhouse to support people living with mental illness

First Victoria-area clubhouse to support people living with mental illness

Saanich Mayor to speak at grand opening, February 21

Connections Place, Victoria, mental wellness

Friday, February 1, 2019

~ West Shore Voice News

After five years of planning and development, Connections Place will hold their official opening on Thursday, February 21.

Speakers will include Saanich Mayor Fred Haynes and public speaker ‘Bipolar Babe’ Andrea Paquette.

Organizer Georgina Patko is excited about the new venture. Connections Place is Victoria’s first Clubhouse International for supporting people living with mental illness.

Connections Place is a Greater Victoria, BC-based community that helps people with mental illness achieve self-reliance, and use their skills and talents to get their lives back on track. They estimate there are over 80,000 people living with a mental illness in the Greater Victoria Area.

The group offers employment, education and recreation initiatives to help people diagnosed with any mental illness including: psychosis, PTSD, bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression, OCD and schizophrenia. Lifetime membership is free for anyone over 18 years of age. Members can visit as often as desired to get their lives back and move forward.

The grand opening will be held at 3375 Oak Street (near Uptown Mall) from 5:30 to 7 pm.

RSVP to attend can be sent to georgina.patko@connectionsplace.org or call 250-483-3748.