Home Education Westshore - SD62 Environmental & safety considerations during SD62 land preparation

Environmental & safety considerations during SD62 land preparation

New elementary and middle school development in Langford

Land clearing in progress on Constellation Avenue in Langford at the future site of a new elementary and middle school development by Sooke School District 62 (SD62). [West Shore Voice News photo January 4, 2019]

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

~ by Mary P Brooke, West Shore Voice News

In the week of December 10, despite the rain, contractors began clearing a 6.5 hectare section of land on Constellation Avenue in West Langford, the future site of a new elementary and middle school.

Trees were removed in the expectation of construction to stay on track with the Sooke School District 62 (SD62)’s Long Range Facilities Plan that would see these schools open by September 2021, said SD62 Superintendent Scott Stinson.

Further to that, more trees were removed by City of Langford crews during the windstorm on December 20. “The work on West Shore Parkway was scheduled for next week,” said Michelle Mahovlich, Director of Engineering, City of Langford.

housing, west shore, langford, westhills, constellation ave
Housing construction underway at Meridian Ave and Constellation Ave in Langford [West Shore Voice News photo – January 4, 2019]
“It’s the SD62 future school site, but the trees were taken down today to prevent blowdown onto the Parkway,” said Mahovlich.

Student population in SD62 has been growing rapidly, aiming to keep pace with housing development in the west shore.

The new elementary and middle school combo in Westhills is seen as top priority in the SD62 facilities plan, along with bringing another new high school online in the next few years and doing an expansion at the Edward Milne Community School high school in Sooke.

>> First published on page 4 in the January 4, 2019 PDF Digest edition of West Shore Voice News.