Home Editorials EDITORIAL: Smaller lottery prizes but more of them

EDITORIAL: Smaller lottery prizes but more of them

More lottery prizes of a more manageable size would enable more meaningful wins & more ticket-buyer interest

Lotto Max
LottoMax winnings in 2020 top $62 million.

EDITORIAL ~ Posted July 30, 2019 ~ VANCOUVER ISLAND.

by Mary P Brooke ~ West Shore Voice News

We’ve addressed this topic before … the lure of the lucky win and the dream of sudden wealth.

Even BC Lottery Corporation (BCLC) in their media release about someone who purchased a LottoMax ticket in Richmond for the July 26 date (matching all seven numbers for a $60 million win), referred to the windfall as “life changing”. The winner has yet to come forward.

Probably none of us would mind financial influx. But mega-prizes tip the scales into the realm of the previously unbelievable, and for many the disarray that comes with likely an overnight change in home, friends, employment and lifestyle, and the forced acquisition of new life management skill sets.

How great would it be for more people to win more manageable but suitability useful amounts — say $250,000 to $500,000 — on a regular basis? They could pay down a mortgage, fund their education, invest in a business — all of these things contributing to a more stable transition and some authentic security. There would be no less interest in buying lottery tickets, in fact it could increase ticket-buyer interest.


As first published on page 2 in the July 26, 2019 Weekend Edition of West Shore Voice News