Home Editorials EDITORIAL: Nanaimo seals the deal for Horgan’s way

EDITORIAL: Nanaimo seals the deal for Horgan’s way

This election result give firm confidence to the Horgan NDP government.

Premier John Horgan, Sheila Malcolmson, Nanaimo Byelection
NDP Candidate Sheila Malcolmson has won the Nanaimo By-Election on January 30, 2019, being congratulated by BC Premier John Horgan.


by Mary P Brooke ~ West Shore Voice News

The win for NDP candidate Sheila Malcolmson in the Nanaimo by-election this week set Premier John Horgan to genuinely beaming in front of the cameras.

His NDP progressive thrust of government policy is working for the people (making life more affordable while improving the economy), and acknowledgement of this came back to him by way of this by-election. That will be enough wind in his government’s sails to make to the shores of 2021.

A fairly strong showing by BC Liberal candidate Tony Harris in Nanaimo seems to have emboldened the Opposition party, with BC Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson that evening essentially telling the TV media that his party would build on that.

BC Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver acknowledged later on election night that Nanaimo voters “felt they needed to vote for the NDP in this by-election so that the government and our agreement with them can continue”. Clear evidence of strategic long term planning by voters who are paying attention. A good sign that the BC electorate got this one right.


As first published on page 2 in the February 1, 2019 issue of West Shore Voice News