Home Election Tracker BC Provincial 2024 Eby’s sunny Friday pit-stop in Oak Bay

Eby’s sunny Friday pit-stop in Oak Bay

david eby, oak bay
Premier David Eby made a brief campaign pit-stop in Oak Bay-Gordon Head on Sept 27, 2024. [Island Social Trends]
BC 2024 Provincial Election news analysis

Friday September 27, 2024 | OAK BAY, BC


Political feature interview by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Your 28-day voter’s guide for BC Election 2024

Today there was a BC NDP blast — a whistle stop — in Windsor Park in Oak Bay.

It’s a location where families and community gather for fun and events.

Today’s campaign event during the BC provincial election campaign was a gathering of the BC NDP party faithful with their leader Premier David Eby.

david eby, diana gibson, bc ndp
Premier David Eby arrives at Windsor Park in south Oak Bay to lend some campaign support to BC NDP candidate Diana Gibson (running in Oak Bay-Gordon Head), Sept 27, 2024. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

His visit was brief under bright sunny skies. Off the campaign bus, photos, handshakes, less than five minutes of remarks to the crowd, a selfie with the large crowd of supporters behind him, and then back onto the bus.

Eby’s remarks of course included jabs at the BC Conservative stance on COVID vaccines.

“What we’re focused on is improving health-care for people and building affordable homes that people need, and making sure that everyone can build a good life in this amazing province we call home,” said Eby to loud cheers from the crowd.

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“We’ve got to get the message out. We’ve got to knock on the doors. We’ve got to be out there,” said Eby to the crowd that (other than the featured candidates) was largely campaign organizers and volunteers.

He said: “Vancouver Island, I’m willing to do a debate with John Rustad.” I want to talk about your issues. I’m not taking you for granted. We’re up and down the island the last couple of days.

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Housing issue:

“The government has no role in providing affordable housing,” he said about Rustad’s campaign approach to solving the housing crisis, said Eby, who recently announced a 300,000 housing supply increase over 10 years.

The BC NDP housing plan has a bedrock of several legislative changes brought in during 2023-2024 and continues with his announcement today about supporting pre-fab construction to speed up production and enhance conditions for construction workers.

Elections BC, Sept 23 to 29, 2024, so many ways to vote

Lots of media showed up but there was no announcement-style media availability. On site were journalists and photographers from CTV, CHEK-TV, Global-TV, The Times Colonist, Black Press, Island Social Trends and others.

bc ndp, crowd, windsor park, oak bay
Crowd of BC NDP supporters at Windsor Park in Oak Bay to greet Premier David Eby on Friday afternoon, Sept 27, 2024. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Now on day-seven of the campaign with his family along on the campaign bus, Eby was joined at Windsor Park by seven MLA-hopeful candidates for the Vancouver Island (* = newly boundaried riding):

david eby, diana gibson, bc ndp, oak bay
Premier David Eby arrives at Windsor Park in south Oak Bay to lend some campaign support to BC NDP candidate Diana Gibson (running in Oak Bay-Gordon Head), Sept 27, 2024. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Also in the crowd were Rob Fleming and Murray Rankin — two high-profile BC NDP MLAs who are not seeking re-election.

windsor park, bc ndp, crowd
People gathering ahead of Premier David Eby’s arrival at Windsor Park in Oak Bay, Sept 27, 2024. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Earlier in the day:

Earlier today, Eby was up-island in the Comox Valley to release the BC NDP plan to fast-track growth of BC’s factory-built home construction industry by “cutting out-of-date red tape and streamling regulations”. He made the announcement at ORCA, a Vancouver-Island based company specializing in innovative, precision-crafted home construction.

david eby, campaign bus, oak bay
Premier David Eby’s BC NDP election campaign bus arrived at Windsor Park in Oak Bay for 1:15 pm, Sept 27, 2024. [Island Social Trends]

Eby led local campaign events up-island this morning with:

  • Ronna-Rae Leonard – seeking re-election in Courtenay-Comox
  • Josie Osborne – seeking re-election in Mid-Island Pacific Rim
  • Michelle Babchuk – seeking re-election in North Island
  • Stephanie Higginson – seeking election in Ladysmith-Oceanside*
  • George Anderson – seeking election in Nanaimo-Lantzville*
  • Sheila Malcolmson- seeking re-election in Nanaimo-Gabriola Island*
  • Debra Toporowski – seeking election in Cowichan Valley

Last night in Nanaimo Eby announced that if re-elected his government would build a new patient tower at Nanaimo Regional Hospital.

Three more weeks to go:

This wraps up week-one of the 28-day election campaign. The BC Election Day is Saturday October 19, 2024.

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