Home Election Tracker BC Provincial 2024 Eby announces BC Family Benefit boost & one-stop programs portal

Eby announces BC Family Benefit boost & one-stop programs portal

BC Family Benefit increase starts July 2024.

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Family affordability in BC.
BC 2024 Provincial Election news analysis

Monday June 24, 2024 | VICTORIA, BC

Analysis by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends | BC ELECTION COUNTDOWN 2024* [BC Election on October 19, 2024]

With the cost of living top of mind: “These challenges are not unique but our response to them is,” said Premier David Eby in Chilliwack today. He was joined by Kelli Paddon, MLA (Chilliwack-Kent).

With the delivery of his wife’s third baby scheduled for June 27, Eby clings to the campaign trail in an election that has high stakes. This is day 117 in counting down to the October 19, 2024 provincial election date in BC.

premier david eby, chilliwack
Premier David Eby announced a boost to the BC Family Benefit, on June 24, 2024 in Chilliwack. [livestream]

“This is how we’re going to help,” said Eby, in announcing an increase of the BC Family Benefit by 25% ($445 more this year, on average). “If you’ve got kids, it’s challenging.”

This new support is coming in July, delivered via the Canada Revenue Agency system. An increased income threshold will see 66,000 more families supported.

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Bank of Canada mentioned again:

Today he also took another opportunity to smack once again at the Bank of Canada for “the fastest run-up in interest rates from the central bank”.

Eby has frequently commented on the significant consequences for families and small businesses as a result of robust interest rate increases in 2022 and 2023.

He often notes, in particular, how interest costs have slowed down the production of housing.

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BC NDP track record:

This being campaign season, Eby itemized some of the things that the BC NDP government has does to help with the cost of living over the past seven years:

  • Got rid of MSP payments – a special tax just in BC to pay for health care.
  • Cut ICBC rates for drivers. Six years of no rate increase.
  • Slashed child care bills in half.
  • Birth control free, we kept our promise.
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New one-stop programs portal:

“Families are really busy, keeping track of government programs is not the priority for British Columbians,” said Eby today, in announcing a new one-stop portal called the BC Benefits Connector to find out about available government programs.

bc benefits connector
BC Benefits Connector

He said that seniors, families and others will find it helpful. Renters and homeowners as well as business owners and entrepreneurs are offered information.

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