Home Election Tracker BC Provincial 2024 Early push: Elections BC says people can start voting today

Early push: Elections BC says people can start voting today

ELECTIONS BC: Voters can cast their ballot at any district electoral office, during advance voting, by postal mail, or on Final Voting Day.

ballot box, elections bc
BC Provincial Election on October 19, 2024. [Elections BC]

Saturday September 21, 2024 | VICTORIA, BC [Posted at 12:52 pm | Updated 2:45 pm]


by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

The writs have been issued for British Columbia’s 43rd Provincial General Election.

Final Voting Day will be Saturday October 19, 2024 says Elections BC.

get ready to vote, elections bc, october 19
Elections BC explains how and where to vote in the Oct 2024 provincial election. [Elections BC]

Vote from now up to (and on) October 19:

“Eligible voters can vote from now until polls close on Final Voting Day,” said Elections BC Chief Electoral Officer Anton Boegman.

“BC has the most accessible voting system in Canada. Voters can cast their ballot at any district electoral office, at advance voting, by mail, or on Final Voting Day, and I encourage all eligible voters to cast their ballot and participate in British Columbia’s democracy,” said Boegman in a news release today.

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Where to vote:

Voting is available now at any district electoral office.

That’s obviously handy for voters who have already made up their minds — that would include election workers who will otherwise be busy for the next few weeks on campaign trails.

early voting, elections bc, writ day
Some has already voted on September 21 ahead of the October 19, 2024 general election! [X]

Elections BC has electoral offices in every electoral district (riding) in the province.

voting place, west shore, 2017, bc election
Voting places are set up around communities. [File photo May 2017 – West Shore Voice News]

Advance voting:

Advance voting will be available on these dates:

  • Thurs October 10
  • Friday October 11
  • Saturday October 12
  • Sunday October 13
  • Tuesday October 15
  • Wednesday October 16

Voting places will be open 8 am to 8 pm local (Pacific Daylight) time.

Elections BC, Sept 23 to 29, 2024, so many ways to vote

All advance voting locations are wheelchair accessible, and it is a great option if you need more time to vote.

Advance voting will *not* be open on Thanksgiving Monday, October 14.


Voting by mail:

Voting by mail is an option for all eligible voters, and is a great option for voters who will be away from the province during advance voting and on Final Voting Day.

Voters can request a vote-by-mail package online at votebymail.elections.bc.ca, by phone at 1-800-661-8683, or in person at any district electoral office.

The completed package must be received by Elections BC before 8 pm (Pacific time) on Final Voting Day.

David Evans, candidate, BC Green, Juan de Fuca-Malahat

General election day:

Elections BC calls Saturday October 19 “the last opportunity to vote”, when for most people that is precisely the day they will vote.

Voting places will be open from 8 am to 8 pm. (Pacific time). Use the Where to Vote app to find voting places near you and the dates they are open.

voting place, provincial election, 2020
Voting place at a school in Langford during the Oct 2020 election. [File photo / Island Social Trends]

You must be registered:

Voters can register or update their information online or by calling 1-800-661-8683. [Direct link to REGISTER TO VOTE]

  • Online and telephone voter registration closes at 11:59 pm (Pacific time) on Monday October 7.
  • Voters can still register or update their information when they vote, but voting may take a bit longer.
chirstina winter, bc green, victoria-swan lake

Provide ID:

Whatever voting opportunity they choose, all voters must prove their identity and residential address to receive a ballot, says Elections BC.

A complete list of acceptable identification is available on the Elections BC website.

For more information about the election, visit elections.bc.ca or call 1-800-661-8683.

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