Friday October 16, 2020 | METCHOSIN, BC
Posted by Island Social Trends
A drive-through haunted house in Metchosin will make for a safe Halloween this year during COVID.
On that spooky night of Halloween (Saturday October 31 this year), the Metchosin Drive Thru Halloween will be held at the Metchosin Fire Hall location, 4400 Happy Valley Road, between 6 pm and 8 pm.
Drive through a spooky Halloween Lane, decorated and haunted by Metchosin Fire Fighters! All family members must stay in their vehicle while driving through. No pedestrians please, say organizers.

There will be free Halloween treats for every carload of happy Halloweeners.
District of Metchosin Council and staff have provided financial support. All the firefighters will be volunteering their time to put on this show.
Campfires are allowed on private property in Metchosin. All beach fires are prohibited within Metchosin. Propane fire pits and briquette BBQ’s allowed.
Another way to enjoy Halloween in your neighbourhood other than trick or treating is to drive around various streets to enjoy seeing the Halloween decorations.
Provincial Health Officer Dr Bonnie Henry also recommends having small at-home Halloween celebrations with your own family bubble this year, as part of COVID-19 safety.