Home Organizations & Associations West Shore RCMP Crisis line reminder from West Shore RCMP in the holiday season

Crisis line reminder from West Shore RCMP in the holiday season

Crisis Centre BC is available 24/7 at 1-866-661-3311

BC Crisis Centre, logo

Monday December 9, 2019 ~ LANGFORD

~ West Shore Voice News

The holiday season is known for being joyous and a time for coming together in celebration. However for many people this can be a season that reminds us of what we have lost, triggering feelings of anxiety, stress and loneliness. Some may even experience a mental health crisis.

So far this year the West Shore RCMP has responded to 957 call for service involving a mental health component (January to November 2019). That’s a 14% increase compared to the same time period in 2018.

“We generally experience an increase in calls relating to mental health around the holiday season. It’s important to acknowledge that this can be a hard time of year for many individuals,” says Cst. Nancy Saggar, West Shore RCMP Media Relations Officer.

“If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, help is available. You can always call your local police or call the Crisis Centre BC at 1-866-661-3311 or 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433),” said Cst Saggar.

The Crisis Centre is 24 hours a day and offers online crisis chats as well. Click here to be directed to the Crisis Centre BC page for more information.