Home News by Region Greater Victoria / CRD CRD accepting public input on 2020 financial plan

CRD accepting public input on 2020 financial plan

Overall CRD, hospital and housing financial plans have a total consolidated budget of $745 million

Capital Regional District (CRD) is comprised of 13 municipalities and three electoral areas.

Friday December 20, 2019 ~ GREATER VICTORIA

~ West Shore Voice News

The Capital Regional District’s (CRD) provisional 2020 Financial Plan is available for public feedback until January 31. The CRD’s multi-year financial plans are updated each year and establish the allocation of resources required to deliver programs and services needed by the community, and to accomplish Board priorities.

The CRD, Capital Regional Hospital District (CRHD) and Capital Region Housing Corporation (CRHC) financial plans combine to form a consolidated budget representing a total budget of $745 million. An overview of the consolidated budget is available here.

Financial plans are the products of a rigorous planning process spanning many months, starting in May of the preceding year. Service planning drives the financial planning process and provides necessary information to evaluate overall organizational requirements, new initiatives, proposed service levels and implications for the budget and financial plan. For all local services, a public review process has already been led by delegated commissions.

The CRD Board approved the provisional Financial Plan on October 30, 2019.

The plan is subject to change prior to final approval by the Board and feedback can be provided via an online form at www.crd.bc.ca/budget. Comments are correlated and provided to the Board as part of the annual approval process.

A Committee of the Whole meeting is scheduled for March 18, 2020 where members of the Board will review the final plan. For more information, please visit www.crd.bc.ca/budget.