Monday August 10, 2020 ~ VICTORIA, BC [Correction 11 pm – one case on Vancouver Island over the past 3 days]
by Mary P Brooke, B.Sc., editor | West Shore Voice News
There are now 4,065 cases of COVID-19 in BC including 131 new cases in the last three days (50 cases Fri-Sat, 37 cases Sat-Sun), and 44 cases Sun-Mon). That’s an average increase of 44 per day, a rate that has been climbing all summer.
Presently there are 445 active cases across all Health Authorities in BC. This is still a serious illness: nine people are in hospital (of whom three are in intensive care). Across BC, 3,425 people have recovered from COVID-19.
There are presently 1,745 people in self-isolation due to exposure, said Provincial Health Officer Dr Bonnie Henry today; some of those people over recent days developed into active cases.
There have been no new deaths for 10 consecutive days… total number 195 to date in BC.
Many cases in young adults:

The majority of the new cases (78 cases or 59.5% of the three-day increase of 131 cases) are among people age 20 to 39 years, as they are out socializing and returning to the workforce. In total, the number of cases in those two age bands is 1,446 (713 ages 20-29, and 733 ages 30-39). That’s 35.5% of the total 4,065 cases in BC, or just over one-third.
People in the 40 to 59 year age groupings have experienced 1,232 of the total cases, 32 of those new over the last three days. The 1,232 case tally for that middle-age adult range is 30% of total BC cases. That’s pretty close to the percentage of cases in the 20-39 year groupings. As public health officials say, COVID-19 does not discriminate.
In persons age 60 to 69, there was an increase of four new cases since last Friday, and in persons age 80 to 89 there was one more case in that same time period. In total, just five new cases in anyone considered senior or elder.
In the new-case tally of 4,065 today, 4,022 are test-positive while 43 are epi-linked.
There are no new community outbreaks, Dr Henry said today. But she did itemize two new health facility outbreaks which brings the total to eight outbreaks (seven in long term care and one in acute care), affecting both residents and staff.
Community exposure events — such as parties, events or airline flights from which cases of COVID-19 infection have resulted — are listed on the BC Centre for Disease Control website (with links to more specifics for each Health Authority).
Vancouver Island cases:
Today there is one new case of COVID-19 on Vancouver Island (total now is 148), and no one is in hospital in Island Health. That case occurred in the 20 to 29 year age group.

No one under the age of 10 has had COVID-19 on Vancouver Island. Eight youth ages 10 to 19 have had COVID-19 on the island, as well as 19 people in the 20 to 29 year age group.