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Cosplayers flock to 2019 Capital City ComicCon

Spring break Con rides the Victoria tourism shoulder season

Capital City ComicCon, March 22 2019
2019 Capital City ComicCon at Crystal Gardens March 22, 2019 [Photo by Sophia Romanchuk ~ West Shore Voice News]

Friday, March 22, 2019 ~ VICTORIA.

by Sophia Romanchuk ~ West Shore Voice News

If you’re in downtown Victoria this weekend, you may find yourself face-to-helmet with a Stormtrooper that’s standing next to Gandalf the White. Yes, folks, the annual Capital City ComicCon is happening in downtown Victoria March 22-24.

The Victoria Conference Centre (VCC) and Crystal Garden were transformed by a sea of colourful costumes, vendors with all sorts of cool comic gear, and parents taking pictures of their kids next to professional cosplayers. The event is a beckoning call for the nerds, geeks, fans, inner-kids, and actual-kids of Vancouver Island. Some serious, devoted attendees travel from Vancouver and Seattle just for the weekend festivities.

sparring, cosplayers
Sparring! Cosplayers at Capital City ComicCon March 22, 2019 [Photo by Sophia Romanchuk, West Shore Voice News]
It can be quite the spectacle for a passer-by, as many attendees dress up in “cosplay”, which is to say they dress as their favourite fictional characters from animes, sci-fi tv shows, fantasy films, and video games alike. Many characters, both those widely popular and from obscure niches, could be seen at the con on day one – and it’s certain that many more will make appearances over the course of the weekend.

There was even a medieval re-creation sparring show held outside the Crystal Garden, where attendees stopped while crossing the street from the VCC to watch the Barony of Seagirt perform live demonstrations.

The true beauty of the convention is the culture behind it, though. Comic Con brings out the parts of fandoms that are often hidden from the view of pop media. It inspires creativity, encourages youth to express themselves and be proud of their interests, and connects the communities of the Island and pacific northwest.

Capital City ComicCon, March 2019
Viewing merchandise at Day 1 at Capital City ComicCon, March 22, 2019 at the Victoria Conference Centre. [Photo by Sophia Romanchuk ~ West Shore Voice News]
Just as in previous years, visitors of the Con can expect to have a lot of fun and prepare to geek out.

VIPs taking part in Capital City ComicCon include Dan Folger (Fantastic Beasts, Don Peyote), Garrett Wang (Star Trek Voyager), Jake “The Snake” Roberts (WWF), Malcolm McDowell (A Clockwork Orange), Marina Sirtis (Star Trek – The Next Generation), and Skeet Ulrich (Scream, The Craft).

Admission: 3-day pass (adult) is $75, or $23 (child), family $175. 3-day VIP adult passes at $99 were sold out before this weekend. Single day passes (age 13 and up) were $25 for today March 22. For Saturday that’s $35 and $30 for Sunday. Children ages 6 to 12 $10 per day.

comic books, comiccon
Comic books at the Con. [Photo by Sophia Romanchuk ~ West Shore Voice News]
There are about 200 exhibits.

Organizers are expecting 9,000-12,000 attendees in 2019.

This is the second year for the cosplay event organized by Tourism Victoria, held in the tourism ‘shoulder season’ between winter activities and the busy summer season.