Home News by Region Sooke Community drop-in about Sooke budget

Community drop-in about Sooke budget

Drop-in: Wed April 12 from 2 to 7 pm

district of sooke, budget 2023
District of Sooke Budget 2023 Open House - April 19, 2023.

Wednesday April 12, 2023 | SOOKE, BC [Updated 7:45 pm]

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

After receiving input from the community and Council conducting their service-level review, the District of Sooke has prepared their 2023-2027 five-year financial plan.

The plan identifies a property tax increase of approximately $100 per year for district services or about 6.99% higher than last year.

That increase is based on the average residential property assessment, or $8.33 per month for 2023.

Key projects in 2023 and 2024:

Key projects as outlined by the District of Sooke include:

  • Increased police and fire resources to decrease call response times;
  • Charters Corridor Capital Project;
  • Church Road Roundabout Capital Project;
  • Little River Crossing (DeMamiel Creek Pedestrian Bridge) Capital Project;
  • Ravens Ridge Park Recreation Amenities Capital Project including an accessible viewing area with seating and picnic tables, accessible parking, bleachers, small multi-purpose grass playing fields, 3 on 3 basketball court, and considerable landscaping;
  • Road maintenance; and
  • Streetlight and transit stop improvements.

Capital project works will span from 2023 to 2024, the municipality says.

Public drop-in April 19:

The public is invited to learn more about the District’s budget and the work planned for the year ahead at a Community Open House taking place at Sooke Municipal Hall, 2205 Otter Point Road, on Wednesday April 19, 2023 from 2 to 7 pm.

Anyone with questions ahead of time may email to budget@sooke.ca.

Cost pressures:

“Everyone is facing cost pressures and Council is looking to reduce the financial impact on residents while still responding to the needs of a growing community,” said Mayor Maja Tait as she spoke to the budget earlier this year during Council’s service-level review.

“Where we’re hearing numerous municipalities are sitting at an increase that would cost households two-to-three times, even more, keeping a district property increase in line with inflation and below $100 is a priority,” said Tait in a news release today.

Why attend:

Sooke residents are encouraged to attend the drop-in information session. The District gives these reasons why:

  • Understand how your tax dollars are invested
  • Learn more about how your local government operates to support your day-to-day needs
  • Gain knowledge about the limitations of the District’s budget
  • Ask questions of staff and get to know the people of the organization
  • Enjoy light refreshments
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