Home Business & Economy Climate Action & Green Tech Collecting rainwater helps with CRD water supply

Collecting rainwater helps with CRD water supply

Tips for urban food-growers.

rain barrel, garbage can
Collect rain water easily in garage cans in your yard, for use to water veggies and landscaping.

Tuesday July 4, 2023 | LANGFORD, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends


Smart irrigation including rainwater harvesting is something that residents of the Greater Victoria area will probably start thinking about more.

Anyone who has started growing food in their own yard is acutely aware of how the dry spell this spring and summer very quickly leaves the soil dry.

Rainfall was minimal in both May and June. July is turning out to be hot as well, with temperatures reaching the high-20s today through Thursday.

food security news, ist

The Capital Regional District (CRD) has for many years offered information about rainbarrels and rainwater harvesting that can capture water from a roof through the downspouts of eavestroughs and hold it for later use such as on lawns, gardens or indoor plants.

The average roof in the CRD can collect 272 litres of rain (60 gallons) on each nine square metres (about 100 square feet) for every 25mm (one inch) of rain.

Collection of rain water can be done quite simply by leaving out clean plastic garbage cans during the rainy season (usually November through February). Depending on the number of cans collecting water, the supply can last into May or June of the gardening season. That avoids having to use treated drinking water for watering your garden.