Home News by Region Colwood Canada Day 2019 at Fort Rodd Hill

Canada Day 2019 at Fort Rodd Hill

Great weather for Canada Day in Colwood

Fort Rodd Hill, Canada Day
Canada Day at Fort Rodd Hill in Colwood, July 1, 2019 [West Shore Voice News photo by Evan Lindsay]

Tuesday, July 2, 2019 ~ COLWOOD

~ West Shore Voice News

Yesterday on Canada Day there was a large turnout for the day at Fort Rodd Hill in Colwood. Now that restoration work is done, there was room for more activity.

military band, Fort Rodd Hill
Live band performance at Canada Day, Fort Rodd Hill, Colwood. [West Shore Voice News photo]

Booths and displays, military band, and just sunshine on a lovely day were to be enjoyed.

Interactive booths were on display by the CRD and Parks Canada. Members of Team BC lacrosse wwere on site with a barbeque set up as a fundraiser.
The 5th regiment band performed for most of the morning and the 21-gun salute was performed at around noon.

Mostly families with younger children were in attendance.

Fort Rodd Hill, Canada Day
Fort Rodd Hill on Canada Day 2019

Photos and notes by Evan Lindsay for West Shore Voice News