Home Social Trends Age & Generations BC Seniors Advocate launches Reframing Ageing survey

BC Seniors Advocate launches Reframing Ageing survey

Online survey about Ageism open to Dec 13, 2024

office of the seniors advocate, reframing ageing, survey
Survey by the BC Seniors Advocate about age discrimination. [Open to Dec 13, 2024]

Sunday November 17, 2024 | VICTORIA, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Do you feel old, think old, or think differently (or not at all) about seniors in our communities?

Negative attitudes about seniors are called ageism.

office of the seniors advocate, reframing ageing, survey
Survey by the BC Seniors Advocate about age discrimination. [Nov-Dec 2024]

The BC Seniors Advocate Dan Levitt says ageism has impacts on seniors in BC.

The Office of the Seniors Advocate has launched a month-long online survey about the Impacts of Ageism on seniors.

The Office of the Seniors Advocate wants to hear from British Columbians about their perceptions and experiences with ageism, particularly related to seniors.

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Survey online, on paper, and downloadable PDF:

The online survey runs November 12 to December 13, 2024 online at Reframing Ageing – Let’s Talk about Ageism.

The online survey is surprisingly brief — just two questions and one comment section, on one screen. The survey might be more fulsome given the importance of the topic.

The online survey is anonymous.

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How ageism discriminates:

Studies on ageism report that it occurs most often in the workplace, health care, the media, and the legal system.

Ageism can impact an older person’s self-worth, independence, safety, mental and physical health, social life and even financial well-being.

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