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BC promotes Conservation Officer as a good job opportunity

conservation officer, ministry of environment, jobs
BC Conservation officer [BC Government photo]

Saturday, February 2, 2019 ~ BC

~ West Shore Voice News

The BC Government has the call out for more conservation officers.  There are over 69,000 law enforcement officers in Canada.

Of the 164 full-time Conservation Officers working in 45 communities throughout BC, 13 are women, including two sergeants.

A BC Conservation Officer’s job is diverse and demanding, says the Ministry of Environment. “As the front lines of environmental law enforcement in British Columbia, a tremendous amount of responsibility and trust is invested in each member of the Conservation Officer Service (COS),” it is stated on the Ministry website.

Generally, the COS considers applications once a year, establishing an eligibility list to fill known and anticipated vacancies up to a 12-month period. The annual intake for entry-level positions occurs early in the New Year, in preparation for the Western Conservation Law Enforcement Academy (WCLEA).

It’s a relatively well-paid career choice. With hourly pay starting around $28, the annual salary for a CO can range from about $52,000 to over $78,000.

About the Conservation Officer Service: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/natural-resource-law-enforcement/conservation-officer-service/about-the-cos

More about becoming a conservation officer in BC, including an online quiz to assess your suitability a CO career: