Home Business & Economy Jobs & Employment BC minimum wage increase to $17.85 on June 1

BC minimum wage increase to $17.85 on June 1

2.6% wage increase on June 1, 2025 -- from $17.40 to $17.85 per hour


Sunday February 16, 2025 | VICTORIA, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Despite challenges to the BC Budget this year in the face of tariff threats from the US and the inflationary pressure that will likely cause, the BC minimum wage will increase a planned, on June 1, 2025.

Workers at the minimum wage level will see a 2.6% wage increase on June 1, 2025, from $17.40 to $17.85 per hour. | See BC Government news release on June 1, 2025 Minimum Wage

bc minimum wage, 2025

That presumably helps people keep up with inflation.

This follows the changes made in spring 2024 to the Employment Standards Act, which mandated annual wage increases.

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“Minimum wage earners are vulnerable to jumps in the price of groceries, rent and gas,” said Jennifer Whiteside, Minister of Labour, in a news release this past week.

“That’s why we took action last year to ensure the minimum wage keeps up with the cost of living so workers don’t fall further behind,” said Whiteside.

Meanwhile, there will be no affordability rebate in BC Budget 2025 (as promised for distribution to all British Columbians during the 2024 NDP election campaign) due to tariff-threat pressures.

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Other categories:

Minimum wage rates for residential caretakers, live-in home-support workers, camp leaders and app-based ride-hailing and delivery services workers will receive the same 2.6% increase on June 1.

On Dec. 31, 2025, the minimum piece rates for 15 hand-harvested crops will also increase by the same percentage.

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Annual increase:

The minimum wage rates increase on June 1 of each year, except for the minimum agricultural piece rates that increase on Dec. 31 of each year to ensure crop producers will not have to adjust wages in the middle of the harvesting season.

bc minimum wage, 2019 to 2025
Minimum Wage in British Columbia, 2019-2025 [BC Ministry of Labour]

The government says that the changes align with government priorities to help lift more people out of poverty, make life more affordable, and build a strong and fair economy for B.C.

Uncaptured low wages:

Many people are not supported within the minimum wage framework, including part-time workers, gig workers, freelancers, and people who are self employed.

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