Home Election Tracker BC Liberal Party BC Liberals begin to regroup

BC Liberals begin to regroup

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Sunday November 15, 2020 | VICTORIA, BC

by Mary P Brooke, editor | Island Social Trends

The BC Liberal Party executive met on Friday November 13, working on what they call “important steps” in the party’s “rebuilding and renewal”.

In the coming days and weeks, the party will start by undertaking an independent and thorough debrief of the 2020 election campaign.

After that, they will start a grassroots outreach process. That will include province-wide virtual meetings and a range of volunteer-driven advisory committees.

A leadership election organizing committee will be appointed, which will consult party members on the timing and arrangements for the upcoming leadership race.

Andrew Wilkinson announced the day after the October 24 provincial general election that he would be stepping down as soon as a new leader is found. The BC Liberals fell from 41 seats in the Legislative Assembly at dissolution in September, to now 28 seats.

The party says it aims to have more engagement with people from under-represented groups, and that they will take “a hard look” at issues like their approach to candidate nominations. They want to debate principles, processes and the future.

There was no mention of COVID or economic recovery in the message to members and supporters this weekend.