Monday October 5, 2020 | VICTORIA, BC [Last update 5:20 pm]
Profile by Island Social Trends | Mary P Brooke, Editor
Today Monday October 5 is Day 15* on the Election BC campaign trail, almost half-way through already! (*calling September 21 as Day 1, the day the election was called).
The Provincial General Election Day is on Saturday October 24. Advance voting and voting-by-mail are available. Elections BC info.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic which requires physical distancing, most campaign activities are done remotely online, both for the media and the voter audiences.

BC Liberal: Today BC Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson addressed media live on Facebook at 10:15 am . He said the Massey Tunnel should instead be above ground including a bridge (with no tolls). He claims the BC government has not built any hospitals in the last 3.5 years, and that Liberals built 14 hospitals during their 16 years leading government. Anxiety this winter will be about COVID and employment, Wilkinson said. | BC NDP Candidate Ravi Kahlon (Delta North) responded today at 1:45 pm re Wilkinson’s comment on the latest Massey Crossing proposal — Kahlon says the NDP plan is set for approval by year-end; federal government funds have been agreed to (available); the bridge would not charges tolls for use.

BC NDP: Today BC NDP Leader John Horgan will hold a virtual town hall at 5 pm on Facebook. In recent days he has announced benefits for seniors (more investment in home care hours and workers) and students (increase student grant program to $4,000, create 2,000 tech spaces). | Town hall 5 pm: Horgan said today in the town hall, comparing BC Liberals to the NDP: “It’s all bottom line for them, for us it’s all about people.” | Horgan today said the future COVID vaccine (when it comes) will be “available free to every person in BC who wants it”. | Also on the call is NDP candidate Adrian Dix (Health Minister during the 2017-2020 NDP government) talking about the urgent primary care centres, hiring more health-care staff, and dealing with PPE as part of the COVID pandemic crisis.
BC Green Leader Sonia Furstenau today issued a platform for improving the health care system, including: Build an affordable and accessible mental health-care system where cost is not a barrier to seeking help. Invest in facilities to provide mental healthcare services and community-based centres for mental health and rehabilitation. Develop and implement a Loneliness Strategy. Launch a public information campaign to increase understanding of mental health issues and provide information on where to get help.| Yesterday Furnsteau spoke about housing affordability and food security.
A televised leaders debate will be held on Global TV on Tuesday October 13 from 6:30 to 8 pm.