Friday January 31, 2025 | COLWOOD, BC
by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends
BC Hydro will be installing underground works for EV charging stations at the Colwood Park and Ride ad the corner of Island Highway (Sooke Road / Hwy 14) and Ocean Boulevard.
The popular well-used Park and Ride is across from the West Shore Parks & Recreation facilities and on the west shore BC Transit bus route for heading to downtown Victoria.
The underground works will be done between Monday February 10 to Friday March 13 (previously to February 21, but now delayed due to snowfall of the past week) between the hours of 7 am to 5 pm.

The concrete multi-use sidewalk that runs parallel to Island Highway (between the Galloping Goose Trail and the Ocean Boulevard/Wale Road intersection) will be temporarily closed to pedestrians and cyclists, through to Friday March 13.
“This closure of the concrete multi-use sidewalk is necessary to facilitate BC Hydro’s underground work for the installation of EV charging stations at the Colwood Park & Ride Parking lot,” says the City of Colwood engineering department.
Full-time traffic control personnel will be on-site to assist pedestrians with safe crossing to the nearest controlled intersection in order to use the opposite sidewalk.
“Impact on Park & Ride users will be minimal, with the majority of parking stalls remaining available throughout the construction period,” says Colwood engineering.
Temporary fencing and signage will be installed to define the construction zone and to help ensure public safety.
The installation contractor is Knappett Industries.