Home Election Tracker BC Green Party Two south Vancouver Island BC Greens already keen to run again

Two south Vancouver Island BC Greens already keen to run again

43rd BC Legislature could be short | David Evans (Juan de Fuca-Malahat) and Christina Winter (Victoria-Swan Lake) are just two BC Greens getting ready for the next run.

bc greens, david evans, christina winter
Two BC Green candidates who plan to run again: David Evans (Juan de Fuca-Malahat) and Christina Winter (Victoria-Swan Lake).
BC 2024 Provincial Election news analysis

Friday October 25, 2024 | VICTORIA, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

After achieving success with voter engagement during BC Election 2024, many first-time candidates across all three parties are already eager to gear up for the next election.

christina winter, election night
BC Green candidate Christina Winter (Victoria-Swan Lake) with her family on election night in Victoria, Oct 19, 2024. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

That includes two BC Green candidates here on south Vancouver Island.

  • Christina Winter ran in Victoria-Swan Lake. “People are happy and excited that I will be running again,” says Winter. “I’m having meetings with people this week and next week to sort out the core of the next campaign team,” she told Island Social Trends this week.
  • David Evans ran in Juan de Fuca-Malahat. “I am ready to run again!,” said Evans this week. “It was a great experience and we were able to find community across the riding from Port Renfrew to Cobble Hill,” he told Island Social Trends this week.
david evans, luxton fair
Juan de Fuca-Malahat BC Green candidate David Evans at the Luxton Fall Fair, Sept 28, 2024. [Island Social Trends]

Election results timeline:

The 43rd BC Provincial Election was held on Saturday October 19. 2024.

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Provincial election 2024 final count timeline during Oct 26 to 28, 2024. [Elections BC]

Many of the riding counts were too close to call, in particular Juan de Fuca-Malahat (where the BC NDP candidate led by 23 votes on election night, with the BC Conservative candidate in second place) and Surrey City Centre (where the BC NDP candidate led by 96 votes on election night, with the BC Conservative candidate in second place).

Final election results for all 93 ridings across BC will be made available by Elections BC on Monday October 28, 2024.

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Short 43rd parliament:

BC Conservative Leader John Rustad seems intent on pushing the BC NDP out of power.

Given the sense that ‘this fight is not over’, the 43rd Legislative Assembly may not last a full four years. In fact, many pundits are predicting that if the BC NDP do manage to cobble together a functional government, that it won’t last past the first budget (February 2024) or second budget (spring 2025).

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