Home News by Region Langford 13th Annual Langford Lightup on December 7

13th Annual Langford Lightup on December 7

Outdoor evening event in central Langford is a community highlight of the Christmas holiday season.

13th Annual Langford Lightup ~ December 7, 2019

Saturday November 30, 2019 ~ LANGFORD

~ West Shore Voice News

The 13th Annual Langford Lightup will be held in Veterans Memorial Park on Saturday December 7, 2019.

Starting at 6 pm there will be a range of activities, vendor market and refreshments. Santa will arrive around 6:30 pm. The City of Langford official lightup will take place at 7:30 pm.

The IOEA parade of lighted trucks will make its way past the park (corner of Veterans Memorial Parkway and Goldstream Avenue) around 8 pm.

The outdoor event is held amidst lit up trees and features of the park.

Traffic is blocked off at the main intersection of the park. Vehicle parking is available in various areas of town centre along Goldstream Avenue.

Donations of non-perishable food items for the Goldstream Food Bank are encouraged.