Home Business & Economy Arts & Entertainment Traffic advisory: film production in Langford April 1

Traffic advisory: film production in Langford April 1

Thursday evening traffic interruptions

Langford City Hall, film shoot
Projecting light into Langford Council Chambers, to mimic sunlight through the windows for an interior film shoot, back in April 2019. [West Shore Voice News file photo - Mary P Brooke]

Tuesday March 30, 2021 | LANGFORD, BC [Updated 9 am April 1, 2021]

by Mary P Brooke, Editor | Island Social Trends

Langford is the backdrop for a few more movie scenes coming up this week, on Thursday April 1.

The Netflix production in the works here this week, using Langford as a backdrop, is The Maid.

Here’s the traffic advisory angle on it:

  • Thursday April 1. Goldstream Ave at Kristina Place. Movie Production – filming along the roadway. Intermittent traffic from 4 pm to 8 pm. Traffic personnel on site.
traffic map, Langford
Movie production along Goldstream Avenue at Kristina Avenue scheduled for 4 to 8 pm on Thursday April 1, 2021.
  • Thursday April 1. Langford Pkwy between 961 Langford Pkwy and Jacklin Rd. 7 pm to 9 pm. Movie production – filming along roadway.
traffic map, Langford
Movie production along Langford Parkway near the intersection of Jacklin Road scheduled for 7 to 9 pm on Thursday April 1, 2021.
MapleLine Business Centre, digital marketing
Small business consulting on website content.

Anyone planning to come out to watch the live film production should remember that provincial public health orders are to maintain physical distancing, not gather in groups with people outside of your own household, and wear a mask. Yesterday a COVID pandemic ‘circuit breaker’ of three weeks duration (midnight March 29 through April 19, 2021) was put in place by Provincial Health Officer Dr Bonnie Henry.

===== LINKS:

City of Langford road maintenance & improvements page

Island Social Trends traffic advisory page

Drive BC

OakTree Naturals, banner ad, 2021
OakTree Naturals is centrally located on Goldstream Avenue in Langford.