Home Election Tracker BC Municipal 2018 Modest turnout for Advance Voting October 10

Modest turnout for Advance Voting October 10

advance voting, sooke, municipal election
Advance Voting Station at Sooke Community Hall on October 10, 2018 [West Shore Voice News photo by Chelsea Kirkpatrick]

by Mary P Brooke, with notes from Chelsea Kirkpatrick in Sooke ~ West Shore Voice News.

Wednesday, October 10 ~ WEST SIDE OF THE ISLAND.

In the three largest municipalities on the west shore — Langford, Colwood, and Sooke — the voter turnout at Advance Voting Stations was moderate during the 8 am to 8 pm voting period today October 10.

As of 4 pm there had been about 300 votes cast in Sooke (at Sooke Community Hall). As of 7:15 pm there had been 288 votes cast in Langford (at Langford City Hall). As of 7:35 pm there had been 510 votes cast in Colwood (at Colwood City Hall), and then 517 by 8 pm.

Langford Mayor Stew Young says that without the availability of online voting, that the turnout is not so bad for the first advance-voting opportunity. “It’s good that there was a steady flow of people out to vote as it helps voter turnout, because everybody is so busy nowadays,” Young said.

Colwood Mayor Carol Hamilton says: “Municipal Government is the most accountable level of government – it is where the rubber hits the road and the real results are shown. Supporting those who best reflect community goals by voting ensures the work gets done. I am honored to be the Mayor leading the Council team to do the work.”

The next Advance Voting opportunity is on Wednesday, October 17, from 8 am to 8 pm, in those same locations.

Voting is for municipal candidates (Mayor and six Council seats in each of those municipalities), and for seven (7) Sooke School District 62 (SD62) trustee candidates (4 seats in Belmont Zone for Langford and Colwood, and 3 seats in Milne’s Landing Zone for Sooke).

General Voting Day is Saturday, October 20 from 8 am to 8 pm. The locations for those dates are: LANGFORD: at Ruth King Elementary and Millstream Elementary | COLWOOD: at Colwood City Hall | SOOKE: at Edward Milne Community School.

Elected mayors, councillors and trustees will serve a four-year term (2018-2022).