Home Business & Economy Travel & Transportation Feb 3: Overnight snowy driving conditions expected on south Vancouver Island

Feb 3: Overnight snowy driving conditions expected on south Vancouver Island

Bare and wet roads may quickly freeze | Overnight temperatures are below 0°C.

snowy roads, tire
Snowy weather conditions on Vancouver Island.

Monday February 3, 2025 | LANGFORD, BC [Posted 6pm | Updated February 4, 2025]

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Drivers on Vancouver Island should expect icy roads overnight with quickly changing conditions that include snow and rain continuing through the remainder of this week, says the Ministry of Transportation and Transit.

Their news release was issued after sunset, at 5:24 pm. For real-time road conditions, check the forecast and visit DriveBC.

Bare and wet roads may quickly freeze; temperature drops create the risk of icy conditions.

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At 6:23 pm the temperature in Langford was -2°C with a low of -4°C expected overnight.

According to The Weather Channel, all of Tuesday (February 4) will have below-zero temperatures, with a high of -1°C and a low again of -4°C overnight into Wednesday.

Environment Canada shows highs and lows that cross over the freezing mark, Tuesday through Thursday. That usually leads to icy road conditions as snow thaws then melts again.

weather, forecast, victoria, feb 2025
Weather forecast for Victoria, BC for Feb 4 to 7, 2025. [Environment Canada]

Overnight temperatures are forecasted to remain below 0°C for the next few days, according to The Weather Channel.

Road surfaces & intersections:

Road surfaces can freeze overnight as temperatures drop below zero, the Ministry says.

Vehicles stopped at intersections or in queues can melt ice, which then re-freezes as the engine cools down.

snowy street
Second day of snowfall in the west shore of Greater Victoria, Feb 3, 2025. [Island Social Trends]

The Province’s highway maintenance crews are working hard to manage these conditions by applying sand and brine to improve traction.

During freeze/thaw conditions, drivers are urged to use caution, avoid travel in bad weather, if possible and expect delays.

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Remember car kiet & winter tires:

If you must travel, plan extra time for your journey, expect delays and ensure your vehicle is equipped with supplies, including food, water, blankets and whatever you need for pets.

Winter tires are required on higher-elevation areas like the Malahat and Highway 4 to Tofino.

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Highway maintenance vehicles & crews:

Drivers are asked to leave space for highway maintenance crews and to leave space for maintenance vehicles, and move over safely when a vehicle with amber light approaches.

Remember that it is unsafe to pass a snowplow on the right.

For real-time road conditions, check the forecast and visit DriveBC.

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