Home Sections Time & Calendar Daylight Savings Time in 2022 starts Sunday March 13

Daylight Savings Time in 2022 starts Sunday March 13

Spring forward again this year.

daylight savings time, 2022
For this year's Daylight Savings Time, turn your clocks forward one hour at 2 am on Sunday March 13, 2022.

Saturday March 12, 2022 | VICTORIA, BC

by Mary P Brooke, Editor | Island Social Trends

Daylight Savings Time starts in 2022 this weekend. On Sunday March 13 the convention is to turn clocks forward one hour. That’s at 2 a.m.

You will see automated clocks on computers and phones move forward one hour.

If you have some older or more conventional clocks in your world — such as on ovens, traditional alarm clocks, or in an older car — you will need to manually adjust the time forward by one hour.

Aiming for more daylight:

Sunrise and sunset will come about one hour later on March 13 than the day before. There will be more light in the evening.

There will be less time for sleep that day but more daylight hours for activity through spring, summer and early fall.

The idea is to have more daylight for outdoor activities such as gardening, recreation, sports and family activities.

Some jurisdictions don’t change:

Daylight Savings Time (DST) is observed in most parts of Canada and the US. In our geographical region, Yukon stays permanently on DST. Saskatchewan mostly stays on Standard Time year round.

daylight savings time, Canada, BC
Summer Time Zones in Canada [National Research Council]

In BC, the government has been looking at this province staying permanently on DST but due to the overload of COVID pandemic management this project understandably did not continue to receive attention in 2020 or 2021.

Yesterday BC Premier John Horgan seemed almost delighted to address media questions about BC’s plan to shift to permanent standard time. This perhaps signals that the worries of the pandemic are somewhat behind us now, in that now there’s some room to discuss less urgent matters.

horgan, mla

Fall back in November:

This year, reverting back to Standard Time in BC will come on Sunday November 6, 2022 at 2 am, when clocks will be turned back one hour.

===== RELATED:

Daylight Savings Time in 2021 starts Sunday March 11 (March 12, 2021)

Daylights Savings Time 2020 begins March 8 (March 7, 2020)

Daylight Savings Time 2019 begins March 10 (March 9, 2019)

Daylight Savings Time won’t be cancelled in BC (November 1, 2018)

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