Tuesday January 21, 2025 | LANGFORD, BC
by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends
The City of Langford Budget for 2025 and their five-year financial plan for 2025-2029 is already under discussion.
A public input survey about Budget 2025 is now available online, to end of day Saturday February 9, 2025. The survey can be accessed through langford.ca/budget-2025 or through Let’sChatLangford.ca/budget.
Details began to roll out for council to review, during a Committee of the Whole Meeting last night. It was their first look at this year’s budget strategy.

More presentations and details to come at the council level next Monday night, January 27.
CPI and population:
More detailed numbers can be made available once the latest CPI/inflation rate is known and when the latest population numbers are available. CPI impacts the cost of staffing and other aspects of operations that are tied to inflation.
Population numbers impact things like the cop-to-pop ratio and cost of policing (currently each RCMP officer costs about $220,000 and more officers are needed as the population increases).
Five-year plan:
The five-year financial plan for 2025-2029 reflects the fiscal priorities of Langford Council, and the complexity of maintaining and improving services for a rapidly growing city.
Public input:
“The City acknowledges the importance of meaningful public participation and transparency in the annual budget process,” it was stated in a City of Langford news release today.
The public survey on Budget 2025 launched online today and be available to February 9. This is the city’s first-ever budget survey, says Langford Mayor Scott Goodmanson. Results of the survey will be presented to council at their February 20, 2025 meeting.
There are also opportunities for in-person public input in council chambers (or via Zoom/dial-in) on January 30, February 18, and February 20.
===== RELATED:
Langford gets early start on Budget 2025 (January 20, 2025)