Home Travel BC Health: WestJet contact info policy shows COVID leadership

BC Health: WestJet contact info policy shows COVID leadership

WestJet logo
WestJet is following Transport Canada regulations during COVID-19.

Friday August 28, 2020 | VICTORIA, BC

~ Mary P Brooke, B.Sc., Editor | Island Social Trends

“One of the most effective ways public health officials can help slow COVID-19 transmission in our communities is contact tracing. That means contacting people who may have been exposed to a confirmed case, to provide them the supports they need to self-monitor and, if necessary, get tested and self-isolate.”

That’s the introduction to a statement issued today by Minister of Health Adrian Dix and Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry regarding a new WestJet policy to share passenger contact information.

Dr Bonnie Henry, Provincial Health Officer
BC Provincial Health Officer Dr Bonnie Henry during a press conference August 27, 2020 in Victoria.

“Throughout this pandemic, our contact tracers have had challenges reaching people who were exposed to the virus while flying – because of the limited information available on traditional flight manifests.

“While the federal government regulates the airline industry, WestJet representatives met with us earlier this month to hear from us directly on how they could help,” said Dix and Dr Henry.

Today WestJet announced a policy that they will collect names and contact information for each of their passengers at check-in. That information will be shared with public health if a COVID-19 case is identified on a flight.

The lack of this sort of information in a complete format for a major company providing a mainstream service like air travel had come as a surprise to many.

“It’s something we discussed at that meeting and will help us immensely,” said Dr Henry, who earlier this summer expressed angst and a certainly level of astonishment over the sketchy-to-no contact information about air travelers.

“It’s a policy that will keep our communities, and all passengers travelling on WestJet, WestJet Encore, WestJet Link and Swoop, safer during this pandemic,” it was stated in the BC Health release.

Continuing with the restart:

BC Health Minister Adrian Dix at a COVID press conference in Victoria, August 27, 2020.

“As we continue our restart in B.C., it becomes more important to be able to connect with people and ensure those who may have been exposed to a person identified as having COVID-19 are aware of their risk,” said Dr Henry.

In air travel, it is still a relatively low risk, according to BC Health. “But it is a risk that we would prefer to be able to notify people of in an efficient way,” it was penned in the August 28 joint release.

Traveling more:

“We all look forward to travelling more and must always be committed to doing it safely. WestJet is joining the many local bars and restaurants, and other businesses in British Columbia, that keep their guests’ contact information, partnering with public health, so we can connect with anyone exposed to the virus and stop it from spreading further in our communities.”

Safety while traveling:

woman wearing face mask
Woman wearing face mask for air travel.

WestJet is following Transport Canada directions that all travelers (over age 2 years) must wear a face mask or face covering (such as a scarf) “throughout their travel journey”.

The WestJet COVID safety policy is posted on their website.

The WestJet Travel Advisories page provides relevant coronavirus advisories.

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