Home News by Region Langford Alcohol footprint expands at Langford venues

Alcohol footprint expands at Langford venues

Boosting the economy by responding to customer demand

wine tasting
Wine tasting.

Friday, April 19, 2019 ~ LANGFORD

by Mary P Brooke ~ West Shore Voice News

The tasting of wine, cider, mead, spirits and beer will now be allowed at vendor booths at Goldstream Market in Langford, as discussed and recommended at the April 11 City of Langford Protective Services Committee meeting and approved by Langford Council on April 15.

Goldstream Market, Langford

Up to two vendors with those products will be allowed per Saturday market. Up to 20 ml of alcoholic beverage can be tasted by customers at the market. No purchased beverages can be consumed on site at the market which is located in Veterans Memorial Park in central Langford.

Western Speedway, Langford, alcohol
Consumption of alcohol is now allowed in more seats at Western Speedway in Langford.

Also reviewed at the April 11 meeting and approved by Council were the applications from Western Speedway at 2207 Millstream Road for extension of their licenced seating area (from a capacity of 1,004 patrons to a total service capacity of 2,219 in existing seating), and also for Ma Miller’s Liquor at 2903 Sooke Road which will now be able to serve alcohol from 9 am instead of 11 am on Saturdays and Sundays.

Ma Miller's Pub, Langford
Ma Miller’s Pub in Langford

Representatives from all three establishments attended the April 11 committee meeting to hear the brief deliberations and answer questions.

Langford’s Protective Services Committee is chaired by Councillor Lillian Szpak.

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This news about the Langford Protective Services Committee meeting was first published on page 3 in the April 12, 2019 weekend edition of West Shore Voice News