Home Business & Economy Langford Council November 19: business as usual

Langford Council November 19: business as usual

city of langford

Tuesday, November 20 ~ LANGFORD.

by Mary P Brooke ~ West Shore Voice News

The City of Langford regular meeting of council on November 19 was business as usual. Mayor Stew Young and the new council for 2018-2022 got down to regular business: some public hearings, a development variance permit, receipt of committee resolutions and reports, and some bylaw readings and adoptions.

Bylaw No 1804 Public Hearing regarding the text of the C10 Zone (Langford City Centre) being amended to allow for a 100-child group day care: a development at 3030 Merchant Way (within the under-construction Belmont Market /Residences development) to include a 6,165 sq ft day care large met with one public comment about additional traffic and a need for adequate parking. The day care plan includes an outdoor play area of 3,153 sq ft.

Bylaw No 1805 Public Hearing regarding rezoning of a development at 1064 Goldstream Ave from CS1 (Service Commercial) to MU1A (Mixed Use Residential Commercial A) to allow for the future development of a 119-unit apartment building (up from the original 102 units). There will be enough parking stalls for each unit but stalls will not be rented out individually.

Resolutions from the November 6 meeting of the Planning, Zoning and Affordable Housing Committee were heard by council, including rezoning to allow for a six-lot development at 887 Klahanie Drive; rezoning of 2786 Wenger Terrace to allow for subdivision that will make possible a secondary suite within the existing house; a variance to reduce front and rear setbacks at 938 Whisperwind Place; and a variance to allow for reduction in the rear yard setback at 620 Rockingham Road.

A report was received for installing a new signal light at McCallum Road and Florence Lake Road (to begin in January 2019). The cost for that traffic engineering development is estimated as $300,000. Toward that: ICBC will contribute $51,500; the developer will provide $125,000 (but receive Development Cost Charge credits for that); and the City will provide $125,000 from the road DCC program account. The project requires completion by March 31, 2019 in order to receive the ICBC funding.

Bylaw adoption: affordable housing units can now be constructed at 3252 Happy Valley Road (Bylaw 1813) and at 3309 Piper Road (Bylaw 1815).

Over the coming year, Langford Council directions will likely include continued forward action on many of their established priorities including attention to transportation issues; roads, sidewalks and bike lanes; commercial development and jobs; sport field development and sport community development; housing affordability; and supporting community service infrastructure such as health and medical offices and child care facilities.