Home West Shore LOCAL Public memorial coming up April 29 for firefighter Lance Caven

Public memorial coming up April 29 for firefighter Lance Caven

Procession along West Shore Parkway & Langford Parkway, to arrive at Belmont Secondary School by 12:45 pm.

langford, fire hall, half mast
Langford Fire Station No 2 flag at half-staff since March 20, 2023 to honour Assistant Fire Chief Lance Caven. [Island Social Trends / April 8, 2023]

Friday April 21, 2023 | LANGFORD, BC [Also see: Updated April 26, 2023]

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

A public memorial for the late Assistant Langford Fire Chief Lance Caven will be held on Saturday April 29, 2023 at Belmont Secondary School, at 1 pm.

That will be preceded by a procession that will start at noon, starting at Centre Mountain Lellum Middle School on Constellation Avenue in Westhills, heading along West Shore Parkway and along Langford Parkway (past the YM/YWCA), to arrive at nearby Belmont Secondary School (3041 Langford Parkway) parking lot around 12:45 pm.

lance caven, langford fire
Langford Assistant Fire Chief Lance Caven on the job during the pandemic, Oct 8, 2020. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

The public is invited to line the streets for the procession, and to attend the memorial if they wish to pay their respects, says Langford Fire Rescue Chief Chris Aubrey. No RSVP required. | EVENT CALENDAR

Known across the community:

On March 20, 2023 Lance Caven passed away from cancer related to chemical exposure in firefighting. He had been the Langford Fire Department‘s Fire Prevention Officer and Assistant Chief of Fire Prevention. He did fire investigations, fire inspections, and public education. Most of his job took him out into the community, interacting with the public and businesses. He got to know a lot of people.

lance caven, memorial
Assistant Fire Chief Lance Caven

“He was a personable guy and always good for a laugh,” said Chief Aubrey. “His enthusiasm and his personality really had an impact on a lot of people.” But he wanted to fight his illness privately, and didn’t want any fundraising done or have any special attention drawn to it, said Aubrey last month.

Lance Caven was only 50 years old. He leaves behind a wife and 10-year-old daughter and extended family.

fire chief, langford, chris aubrey
Langford Fire Chief Chris Aubrey at the Chief Al LeQuesne Park dedication event on April 20, 2023. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

A moment of silence was done in Caven’s memory, at the March 20, 2023 City of Langford Council Meeting.

Fire Chief’s comments:

“Caven’s family recognizes the outpouring of support from the community,” says Chief Aubrey. “They see a more public service as closure for the community,” he told Island Social Trends yesterday during a park and playground grand opening to honour another firefighter, Chief Al LeQuesne, who passed away last year.

Chief Aubrey also added: “Lance was the heart of the department, someone everyone loved. Words alone cannot describe the impact he had on all of us and how deeply his loss will be felt throughout the fire service and the community. I am honoured to have known this great man, and I know all of us will keep his family in our thoughts and support them through this difficult time.”

Caven’s laughter, kindness and enthusiasm made the greatest impact on everyone he met.

Mayor’s comments:

“On behalf of Langford Council, I extended my sincere condolences to AC Caven’s family and Langford Fire Rescue,” says Langford Mayor Scott Goodmanson.

“Lance dedicated his life to serving his community, and I want to recognize both Lance’s sacrifice and that of his family. Every day, first responders put their lives on the line to keep our communities safe. Like Lance, they are heroes, and we thank them for their service.”

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Flags at half-mast:

Flags have been at half-staff at all three fire stations in Langford, and elsewhere in the region, since Caven’s passing on March 20. They will be returned to full-staff after the April 29 memorial.

“Safety never takes a holiday” was a phrase AC Caven was known for saying. During the memorial period on Saturday April 29, other fire services (Sidney, North Saanich and Central Saanich Fire Departments) will ensure that fire rescue services are uninterrupted as Langford members attend Assistant Chief Caven’s service.

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mary p brooke
Mary P Brooke, Editor, Island Social Trends

Island Social Trends (at IslandSocialTrends.ca) has been publishing the news of Langford and the west shore since 2014 (and before that about Sooke from 2008); formerly in print as West Shore Voice News.

Editor Mary P Brooke now reports with the BC Legislative Press Gallery and still actively covers the highlights of local west shore news as well as south Vancouver Island and BC news.


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