Home Election Tracker Canadian Federal 2019 Writ to drop on September 11, for 41-day campaign

Writ to drop on September 11, for 41-day campaign

Election campaign starts one day ahead of first leaders debate

election call, September 11

Tuesday, September 10, 2019 ~ NATIONAL / VICTORIA

~ West Shore Voice News

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is expected to visit with the Governor General tomorrow morning in Ottawa (10 am Eastern, 7 am Pacific), to ask her to dissolve parliament so the 2019 federal general election can be called.

That will initiate a 41-day campaign (September 11 through October 21) for the 43rd general election, leading up to the October 21 voting date. In Canada, federal elections must be between 36 and 50 days in length. See elections.ca

There was talk and expectation that the start of the campaign would come on Sunday September 15 (the last possible date for fitting within the required election campaign period).

With Trudeau’s election-call coming a few days ahead of the deadline may be to grab headlines one day ahead of the first leaders #firstdebate (a two-hour event on September 12 in Toronto hosted by Macleans which will air live at 8 pm EDT (5 pm Pacific) on Citytv, Macleans.ca, Facebook and Twitter, as well as Rogers news radio stations; in English, with CPAC carrying a French translation). There could be airtime competition with commemorative 9-11 news coverage on September 11.

The Macleans debate (moderated by Macleans editor Paul Wells) will apparently focus on four major themes: the economy; foreign policy; Indigenous issues; and energy and the environment. After the main segment of exchanges, each leader will have 90 seconds for a closing statement.

  • LOCAL SEPTEMBER 11. Locally on South Vancouver Island, the Green Party will be hosting a livestreamed event at 6:30 am tomorrow morning September 11, to announce the official Green Party campaign launch and be part of the national election-timing coverage out of Toronto. That will be held at the Delta Hotels Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort, 100 Harbour Rd in Victoria. At that event, Leader of the Green Party Elizabeth May (MP, Saanich-Gulf Islands) will be announce the official launch of the Green Party of Canada election campaign. Ms. May will be joined by Green candidates from Vancouver Island and the lower mainland,  including Paul Manly (Nanaimo-Ladysmith), Racelle Kooy (Victoria), David Merner (Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke), and Lydia Hwitsum (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford). The livestream will be on Instagram at @greenpartyofcanadaofficial
  • LOCAL SEPTEMBER 11. All Candidates Session. For Greater Victoria federal candidates. 5:30 to 7:30 pm, Victoria Conference Centre Panel discussion with community leaders discussing key priorities for the region. Candidates will each have two minutes at the end. Hosted by Victoria Chamber of Commerce.
  • LOCAL SEPTEMBER 14. On Saturday September 14, an all-candidates debate for Cowichan-Malahat-Langford will be held at Brentwood College. Incumbent Alistair MacGregor’s campaign will livestream the event [link to come].
  • LOCAL SEPTEMBER 18. All Candidates Meeting for Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke. All residents of the Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke federal riding are invited by Pearson College to an all-candidates forum (in the Max Bell Centre, 650 Pearson College Drive, Metchosin). Doors 7 pm, debate 7:30 pm.

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