Home Editorials Twelve days of Christmas with a 2025-twist

Twelve days of Christmas with a 2025-twist

A socioeconomic take on progress in 2025.

six geese a laying, xmas
'Six Geese A Laying' from the Christmas song about the 12 days of Christmas.

Wednesday December 25, 2024 (Merry Christmas!) | VICTORIA, BC

Socioeconomic analysis by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Twelve days of Christmas… here we go!

In traditional ways, the 12 day of Christmas run from December 25 through January 6. The period seems to have a universal appeal to celebrate the re-emergence of light after the winter solstice (longest night of the year).

three french hens, 12 days of christmas
‘Three French Hens’ from the Christmas song about the 12 days of Christmas.

Here’s a framework of looking at the key issues of 2025 using the 12 days of Christmas song, with some thoughts on progress in the year ahead:

  • Partridge in a pear tree – wildlife – protecting nature and environment of course must be top of mind — it’s about health and survival.
  • Two turtle doves – partnerships – building partnerships will be key to success in politics and business.
  • Three French hens – community – interconnecting with neighbours, cities, countries. Better urban planning for infrastructure and human-scale interaction is essential.
royal roads university, new west shore campus
  • Four calling birds – social communication – Four corners of modern communications: news media, social media, text/email, Internet.
  • Five golden rings – wealth in society – imbalances need to be corrected — household debt is crushing households and it’s tough for small businesses to get ahead.
credit card debt, household debt
Credit card debt is a burden for people’s lifestyle and health, and saps productivity.
  • Six geese a laying – food resilience – urban lifestyle reliance on food producers and grocers is crippling as grocery prices continue to rise. During upcoming trade negotiations with the US there is a need to protect our food growers and food supply chain.
  • Seven swans a singing – entertainment – film, streaming, Virtual reality, theatre, cosplay, music, art and writing … new forms all the time… the value of entertainment is ever more important in times of socioeconomic distress. Recently saw a comment on the use of drugs and alcohol as ‘necessary’ (something like ‘how else will we reduce stress?’). Be entertained.
virtual reality
New forms of entertainment.
  • Eight maids-a-milking – women’s labour in society – Women’s work continues to be under-valued and under-paid in many areas; this is not just a wage issue — the idea of devaluing women needs to be examined and stopped.
eight women working, xmas
‘Eight maids a milking’ – women’s participation in the eocnomy.
  • Nine ladies dancing – sexualization – North American culture is highly sexualized, this causes problems with identity, inclusion, and mental health.
  • Ten lords a-leaping – patriarchy – Women who play into the patriarchy are as responsible for perpetuating this oppressive system as are the men who benefit by it. Any steps to operate outside that paradigm leads to healthier relationships and economies.
  • Eleven pipers piping – military & emergency preparedness – National defence will be increasingly relied upon, especially in Canada’s North. Canada is bending to US pressure to bump up military spending. The piper is coming as to the next Big One; continue working on your emergency kit preparations — be your own army of one!
jdf, emerg, emergency preparedness
  • Twelve drummers drumming – AI -To what drumbeat will people and economies move as AI infiltrates at high speed? Where will we draw the line?
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