Home Sections Justice & Legal Teens get arrested for graffiti in Langford

Teens get arrested for graffiti in Langford

Graffiti by teens on the wall of a commercial building in Langford, May 7, 2019 [West Shore RCMP image, supplied]

Wednesday, May 8, 2019 [Updated May 9, 2019]

~ West Shore Voice News

Teens have been arrested for marking up property with graffiti in the last few days.

On Sunday May 5, West Shore RCMP arrested two girls age 12 and 13 for mischief after witnesses observed them spray painting property near the bus stop exchange on Station Avenue in central Langford.

On May 7 at about 7:30 pm the West Shore RCMP received yet another report from a witness who watched two different girls spray painting the rear wall of The Brick store at 2945 Jacklin Rd in Langford.

“Our officers attended the scene and the spray painting was still taking place. Out of a group of six youth, witnesses identified two 12-year-old girls as being the spray painters. The girls were arrested for Mischief Under $5000 and released to their parents,” said West Shore RCMP media relations officer Cst Nancy Saggar.

Both teens are both awaiting court dates. One of the boys in the group was also ticketed under the provincial Cannabis Control Licencing Act for being a Minor in Possession of Cannabis Accessory, a $230 fine, said Cst. Saggar.

The spray painting — which actually shows artistic merit — was reportedly still wet when officers showed up. The girls were found with paint all over their hands.

“In total we have arrested four youth in the past few days for spray-painting property. This type of behaviour will not be tolerated,” said Cst. Saggar.

“Police make an arrest when an individual, 12 or older, is found committing an offence. The investigator and Crown Counsel can decide to refer the arrested individual through a deferral process like Restorative Justice. That decision can still happen here,” said Cst Saggar.