Home Island Health Sunset Lodge COVID outbreak in Victoria now 24 cases

Sunset Lodge COVID outbreak in Victoria now 24 cases

sunset lodge, long-term care
Sunset Lodge is owned and operated by the Salvation Army.

Monday August 30, 2021 | VICTORIA, BC [Updated August 31, 2021 — 2 more staff cases, and now 2 resident deaths| Updated September 1, 2021 — 8 more cases (seven residents , 1 staff), bringing total to 34 cases (14 staff and 20 residents)]

by Mary P Brooke, B.Sc., Editor | Island Social Trends

It’s been three days since Island Health declared a COVID-19 outbreak response at Sunset Lodge long-term care home in Victoria.

In addition to the cases first announced on Friday August 27, and more this past weekend, today two additional cases of COVID-19 related to the outbreak were declared at Sunset Lodge.

Sunset Lodge is owned and operated by the Salvation Army. Island Health says it will continue to work with leadership and staff to respond to the outbreak and protect the health of all residents and staff.

Now 24 cases:

Two additional staff people have tested positive. The new case was detected through testing performed yesterday. In total, 11 staff and 13 residents have now tested positive for COVID-19.

At this time, most residents are not experiencing symptoms (most would have been vaccinated under the BC Immunization Plan which prioritizes the elderly in long-term care) and positive staff are isolating at home. Communication with residents, families and staff is ongoing.

Outbreak response:

No specifics have been given by Island Health as to how the infection got into the care home.

Island Health says that the following steps are underway as part of the outbreak response:

  • Admissions, transfers and social visits will be on hold while the outbreak is in effect;
  • Resident and staff movement is limited;
  • Staffing levels will be maintained to provide resident care;
  • Mask use and eye protection is required for all staff;
  • Social visitors will be restricted but essential visits may occur;
  • Enhanced cleaning and infection control measures continue;
  • Residents, families and staff are being notified;
  • Twice-a-day screening of all staff and residents continues;
  • Expanded COVID-19 testing will be done.

Additional Island Health presence:

During this time, Island Health will have additional presence at the site to take any further actions required, support the facility and answer questions from staff, residents and family members.


sunset lodge, map
Sunset Lodge is located at 952 Arm Street in Victoria. [Google map]

Sunset Lodge is located at 952 Arm Street in the Burnside/Gorge Road/Craigflower Road area.

For more information about COVID-19, please visit: www.islandhealth.ca/covid19.


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