Wednesday November 18, 2020 | SOOKE, BC
by Mary P Brooke, B.Sc., Cert PR, editor | Island Social Trends
Welcome back to your library, Sooke. The existing branch location on Anna Marie Road is now open for limited services during the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, including:
- 30-minute computer sessions
- DVD and Display Browsing
- Takeout Service
- Reference and Readers Advisory
COVID protocols in place:
For everyone’s safety, customers are asked to adhere to all posted safety information and the directives of staff, including limiting the number of people allowed inside at a time and maintaining a proper physical distance. All customers are encouraged to wear masks when visiting the library.

Return and renew materials on time:
Customers must have their library cards with them and use the self-checkout machine. The branch will continue to offer Takeout services for those who would prefer to use this service. All late fees have been waived but we ask that customers return and renew materials per due dates to ensure everyone has equal opportunity.
The branch’s current sit-down hours are:
- Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays: 2-4pm
- Wednesdays and Fridays: 10am-12pm
More information, including hours of operation for other services including our takeout service, is available at https://virl.bc.ca/branches/sooke/ .
New larger library:
The new Sooke Library is under construction at the future location of the new branch on Wadams Way. With a 13,412 sq ft footprint, the new building is larger, with more features. The building will be owned by the Vancouver Island Regional Library (whereas the current location is leased).

The opening of the new Sooke library is presently scheduled for spring 2022.