Home Post-Secondary Royal Roads University Royal Roads 2022 Fall Convocation

Royal Roads 2022 Fall Convocation

Over 400 graduates | 102 award winners

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Convocation ceremony on Friday afternoon, November 18, 2022. [livestream]

Saturday November 19, 2022 | COLWOOD, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Royal Roads University (RRU) celebrated its 51st Convocation yesterday with three ceremonies on campus.

More than 400 graduates attended the Friday November 18 events with family, friends and honoured guests in attendance.

The three ceremonies — at 9 am, 11:30 am and 2 pm — were held in the Dogwood Auditorium on the Royal Roads University campus, a new facility that opened during the pandemic. Events were livestreamed.

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Each graduate walked across the stage to receive their diploma and be congratulated by the Chancellor and President, Nov 18, 2022. [livestream]

Remarks by President Steenkamp:

RRU President Dr Philip Skeenkamp described the graduation process as both bittersweet (a goodbye for now) and humbling (appreciating all the work done by the students and their supporters).

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Royal Roads University President Dr Philip Steenkamp at the Nov 18, 2022 afternoon convocation ceremony. [livestream]

He remarked that the graduates had made investments of time and effort and acknowledged their “precious investments of your hope”.

Being clear on your purpose:

RRU Board of Governors Chair and Chancellor Nelson Chan encouraged graduates to “know your why so that you have options on the what”.

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RRU Chancellor and Board Chair Nelson Chan taking a selfie in the moment, Nov 18., 2022. [livestream]

In other words to be guided by one’s purpose, then the steps to achieving goals become more obvious.

Making a difference:

A message from Anne Kang, BC Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Training, was delivered, including a hope that graduates will “use their skills and knowledge to make a significant difference in your community”.

Kang’s message included a declaration that there is a wide of range of opportunities in many sectors, as one million jobs are expected to open up in BC by 2030. (80 percent of which will require some level of post-secondary education, it was announced back in February 2022).

Producing leaders:

Some of the specialized research and specialities of the graduates really stood out as each was introduced for their walk across the stage to receive their graduation certificate.

The impressive list includes many things that demonstrate leadership and uncover the things that might be addressed as these graduates make their way in the world, such as: rental/social housing; e-learning in health care; animal welfare; misogyny and gender bias.

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Audience standing as the 2 pm RRU graduates file out of the Dogwood Auditorium, Nov 18, 2022. [Livestream]


All of the 102 2022 Fall Convocation Awards are listed on the Royal Roads website.

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Master of Global Management graduate Lawrence Jarikre received the Governor General’s Gold Medal, in recognition for his thesis, Would an industry-wide shift from commission and trailing commission compensation models be advantageous for investors, Financial Advisors and their employers. Royal Roads also recognizes the following candidates for receiving a nomination for the Governor General’s Gold Medal:

  • Faith Matchett, College of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Michael MacKay, School of Education and Technology
  • Jared Areshenkoff, School of Environment and Sustainability
  • Brian Daszko, School of Humanitarian Studies
  • Ann Schorling, School of Leadership Studies
  • Beatrice Marisa, School of Tourism and Hospitality

The Governor General’s Silver Medal, presented to the graduating student who achieved the highest academic standing upon graduation from a bachelor’s degree program this year, is awarded to Bachelor of Arts in Justice Studies graduate, Laura Todd.

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Each graduate walked across the stage to receive their diploma and be congratulated by the Chancellor and President, Nov 18, 2022. [livestream]

Other recognition:

On the previous day, ceremonies were held to honour special recipients. First Nations Elder Shirley Alphonse received an honorary degree for being a spiritual leader who is led by a value of community care.


Island Social Trends is a professional news service with an online portal at islandsocialtrends.ca, reporting on news of the west shore and south Vancouver Island since mid-2020.

mary p brooke
Mary P Brooke, Editor, Island Social Trends

Island Social Trends Editor Mary P Brooke produces the Island Social Trends news stream with a socioeconomic lens on the news. Island Social Trends emerged from her three previous print publications: MapleLine Magazine (2008-2010), Sooke Voice News (2011-2013), and West Shore Voice News (2014-2020).

Mary P Brooke was a trustee candidate in the SD62 (west shore Belmont Zone) election in October 2022.

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