Home Business & Economy Retail hours at private liquor stores permanently extended across BC

Retail hours at private liquor stores permanently extended across BC

Making it easier for seniors & immune-compromised.

Riverside Cannabis, Castle Liquor Store
Castle Liqour Store and Riverside Cannabis at 6309 Sooke Road. [2019 file photo]

Friday July 2, 2021 | VICTORIA, BC

by Jalen C Codrington | Island Social Trends | with notes by Mary P Brooke, Editor

The government is allowing private liquor stores to expand their hours permanently.

In April 2020, the BC government temporarily authorized liquor retailers to open as early as 7 am, in order to facilitate physical distancing for seniors and other customers, including those who are immuno-compromised. This authorization was originally set to expire on June 30, 2021.

The government’s news release about liquor store hours was issued on June 30, 2021 ahead of the July 1 Canada Day statutory holiday.

Helpful to seniors:

Langford Parkway, Quality Foods, mall entrance, traffic
Cascadia Liquor Store in Langford [West Shore Voice News file photo – Feb 2020]

“However, in response to industry feedback and to ensure businesses can continue to support their customers — particularly seniors and those who live in rural areas, who have benefited from the convenience of extended retail hours — the Province is permanently allowing liquor retailers throughout BC to operate between 7 am and 11 pm daily, if they choose to do so,” wrote the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General in the news release.

In-store shopping only:

Castle Liquor Store, plexiglass barrier, retail
The retail checkout area at Castle Liquor Store in Sooke has tall full-width plexiglass barriers in place as protection against possible close-up spread of COVID-19. [Island Social Trends photo by Mary Brooke – July 27, 2020]

This permanent change relates to in-store shopping only.

Liquor delivery may occur only after 9 am, and the authorization for unlicensed third-party delivery services to deliver liquor at 7 am expires on June 30, 2021.

These changes do not override any additional requirements or limitations placed on hours of liquor service by local governments or First Nations, the government said.

===== Editor’s note:

Other things that changed in liquor stores during the pandemic that may remain beyond the pandemic include the plexiglass barriers to protect staff.

The privately owned Castle Liquor Store in Sooke says their staff were healthier over the past year as as result of the barriers, and intend to keep them in place.

Sooke Fine Arts Show, 2021
The 2021 Sooke Fine Arts Show runs July 23 through August 2 online.