Home Election Tracker Canadian Federal 2025 Poilievre pushes free-enterprise direction for Canada

Poilievre pushes free-enterprise direction for Canada

Conservative Leader at construction site in Vancouver.

pierre poilievre, vancouver
Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre visted a construction site in Vancouver on Jan 16, 2025. [CPAC]

Thursday January 16, 2025 | VANCOUVER, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Conservative Party of Canada Leader Pierre Poilievere today thanked home construction workers as “the backbone of our country”.

“It would be nice if the people who built our homes could afford to live in those homes,” said the Conservative leader who still ranks high in opinion polls for his party to win as government in the next federal election.

pierre Poilievre, vancouver
Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre visted a construction site in Vancouver on Jan 16, 2025. [CPAC]

“Like they could before the nine years they could before the Carney, Freeland, Trudeau Liberal government,” Poilievre pitched in his statement.

Poilievre told media today that incoming president Donald Trump should be sending Canada a ‘bouquet of flowers’ for the gift of discounted oil that Canada exports to the USA.

Time in Vancouver:

Poilievere has been in Vancouver the past day or so. Today he delivered his remarks to media at a construction site. Last night he held an event at the Paradox Hotel – an afternoon with Pierre Poilievre in support of the Conservative Party of Canada, with an admission fee of $1,750.

Poilievere acknowledged Conservative candidate for Delta Jessy Sahota as the Conservatives continue to gather support in BC where Poilievre has made many campaign stops in the past year.

Fleshing out the message:

Poilievre still speaks in his promotional triplets but the content is being fleshed out. “Ever wonder why we can’t have nice things in Canada any more, like health care or affordable food, or homes — the stuff we used to take for granted as Canadians?”

It’s in statements like that where Poilievre demonstrates a communications style that articulates what people are feeling about their lives. Affordability is an important issue but he puts it in kitchen-table bite-size word sets.

Poilievre is now openly speaking to a base that supports free enterprise. He emphasized how Canada sells nearly all its petroleum products to the United States at a discount while not facilitating oil and gas sales overseas to regions that otherwise largely depend on oil from Russia.

His slogan for over a year about ‘Axe the Tax’ which has previously referred to the carbon tax, is now being shifted to a broader message about tax cuts.

Next election:

The next federal election is scheduled for October 20, 2025 but could come sooner if a non-confidence vote in the House of Commons fails after MPs return to Ottawa for a March 24 restart of the 44th parliament.

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