Saturday January 11, 2025 | VICTORIA, BC [Updated January 13, 2025]
by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends
Planting new trees is part of the forestry sector in BC.
More than 280 million trees were planted in BC forests in 2024 due to the Province’s efforts.
“2024 was a banner year for tree planting in BC, including celebrating 10 billion trees planted since 1930,” said Ravi Parmar, Minister of Forests in a news release just ahead of Christmas.
“Our government’s commitment to sustainable forests has seen us lead the country by planting more than two billion trees since 2017,” the new Forests Minister said.
Caring for BC’s forests has come a long way since reforestation programs began in 1930. Meticulous planning goes into selecting which types of trees are seeded and encouraged to grow on public lands.
This year, 13 different native tree species were chosen in an effort to preserve natural ecosystems and prioritize key characteristics, such as resilience to climate change, according to the BC Forests ministry at 2024 year-end.
“Meticulous planning goes into selecting which types of trees are seeded and encouraged to grow on public lands,” says the Ministry of Forests.
The 13 species are: lodgepole pine, ponderosa pine, white pine, western larch, Douglas fir, western red cedar, yellow cedar, Interior spruce hybrid, balsam, red alder, hemlock, paper birch, and sitka spruce.
The Province’s 2024 reforestation efforts were primarily focused on fire-damaged areas. This was in addition to the work undertaken by forest tenure holders as part of their legal requirements to regenerate harvested areas.
“We are in good shape right now based upon a run of strong years and the government’s commitment to tackling the impacts of climate change through adaptation and keeping reforestation programs at a level to help regrow our forests,” said John Betts, executive director, Western Forestry Contractors’ Association.
“Our members have been adapting to the concept of a restoration economy targeting ecosystem resilience through all kinds of different planting programs.”
The Western Forestry Contractors’ Association is holding their 2025 Annual Conference and Trade Show in Victoria January 29 to 31.

BC Timber Sales (BCTS), a division of Ministry of Forests responsible for managing vast areas of forested public land, also marked a milestone this year. More than one billion trees have been planted since the organization was founded in 2003.
BCTS supports local jobs and communities by issuing approximately 40 tree-planting contracts to small business operators throughout the province every year.
Government links:
To learn more about B.C.’s silviculture practices, visit:
To learn more about BCTS seedling services:

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- BC Wildfire Service helping out with California wildfires (January 10, 2025)
- Langford buying manufactured home park to add six urban forest acres (January 9, 2025)
- Forest landscape plan public input in Bulkley Valley (December 27, 2024)