Home Business & Economy Jobs & Employment NDP promise: more trades training for job creation & housing crisis support

NDP promise: more trades training for job creation & housing crisis support

BC NDP would double apprenticeship support with $150 million over 3 years.

trades training

Thursday September 26, 2024 | CHILLIWACK, BC


Political feature interview by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

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Availability of apprenticeships in the trades will be expanded from 26,000 to 50,000 in BC if the BC NDP is re-elected to government.

Eby made that announcement today in Chilliwack, joined by two local candidates who are seeking re-election: Dan Coulter (Chilliwack North) and Kelli Paddon (Chilliwach – Cultus Lake).

david eby, trades training, chilliwack
BC NDP Leader Premier David Eby announces expansion of trades training funding if re-elected on October 19, 2024. [web]

He said there would be a $150 million investment for the SkilledTradesBC program, over three years.

“Trades training funding is vital to the future of this province,” as stated today.

trades training, skills, construction
Trades training jobs are in demand. [SkilledTradesBC]

He points out that the construction sector need workers. More workers there will help resolve the housing crisis and get more hospitals and schools built.

Eby reiterated his concerns about the now longstanding impacts of high interest rates and the impacts of inflation on everyday costs of living such as groceries. He highlights trades jobs as good family-supporting jobs.

ist main, construction site
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“People are really hurting right now and the BC NDP remains committed to helping people,” said Eby, as a tight summary of the BC NDP campaign.

“There are two parts to supporting families — one is addressing the costs wherever govt touches their lives, but also supporting them to get into well-paid jobs,” said Eby today.

“There are employers that are ready to hire, says Eby. “The challenge is that people who are ready to take those jobs don’t have the skilled training. We want to close that gap,” said Eby about the trades training.

Elections BC, Sept 23 to 29, 2024, so many ways to vote

A BC NDP government would “connect people with the jobs that are available”.

Whether it’s welding, electrician and plumbers, employers are ready to hire. “These skills are in demand and they are good paying jobs,” said Eby. “These jobs are part of growing our economy, he said today”

Eby says that credentials need to be recognized, such as with Red Seal trades. He points out the genesis of the current problem, that partly being that the former government (BC Liberals) dropped the Red Seal certification, which resulted in lost opportunities and wages.

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