Home Government 43rd Parliament of Canada NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh to address FCM during Advocacy Days

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh to address FCM during Advocacy Days

FCM Advocacy Days ahead of budget season

Jagmeet Singh, election night, October 21 2019
Jagmeet Singh delivered a victory-style speech on election night October 21 despite the NDP seat count falling from 39 to 24 as he sees the NDP now having access to power to move issues forward for Canadians who are struggling. [screenshot]

Wednesday November 27, 2019 ~ OTTAWA

~ West Shore Voice News

Each November, elected board members of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) from across Canada converge on Ottawa for several intensive days of meetings with parliamentarians.

Advocacy Days are being held during November 26 to 29 this year.

Addressing FCM representatives today at 12 noon (Eastern Time) at the Chateau Laurier will be NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh. He is likely to address the major affordability NDP points of the 2019 election campaign including housing, pharmacare, dental care, and post-secondary tuition.

FCM logo
Federation of Canadian Municipalities

“It’s a significant peak in our advocacy cycle, just before federal budget season, where we bring our united municipal voice to all national parties. In recent years, we have achieved unprecedented results for Canadians, our communities and our economy,” it is stated on the FCM website.

Singh will announce his ‘shadow cabinet’ (NDP Caucus critic roles) on Thursday November 28 in Ottawa (8:30 am Pacific Time).