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Morneau announces Freedom Mobile expansion in Victoria

Bill Morneau, Shaw, Freedom Mobile, Victoria
Finance Minister Bill Morneau made Freedom Mobile announcement February 8, 2019 in Victoria.

Saturday, February 16, 2019 ~ VICTORIA.

~ West Shore Voice News

Just ahead of the snowfall that began mid morning last Friday February 8, Federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau addressed a Victoria Chamber of Commerce breakfast, sponsored by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) Canada.

Minister Morneau and Chamber CEO Catherine Holt engaged in a conversation that covered the state of the economy, housing affordability and money laundering. Morneau was candid about the trials of working with the United States under the Trump administration, and how Canada could be impacted by Brexit.

Morneau took the local opportunity to announce the expansion of the Freedom Mobile network in the Greater Victoria area. Owned by Shaw, it’s been a long haul getting enough transmission towers in place to effectively launch the service due to resistance in some municipal areas — both to the idea of more human exposure to transmissions from wireless equipment and the idea of making room for another competitor in the cell phone market.

Freedom MobileIt has taken a while for Shaw to achieve adequate cell tower opportunity on the west side of the island; while Langford welcomed towers with open arms, the idea of more wireless activity in the airwaves was given resistance in some communities including Sooke.

Freedom Mobile (formerly called Wind — a marketing brand that didn’t work too well for them) presently has a 2GB+2GB special. www.freedommobile.ca