Home News by Region BC & National MLA Katrina Chen stepping back from politics

MLA Katrina Chen stepping back from politics

katrina chen
Minister of State for Child Care, Katrina Chen, announces new child care supports for parents, Sept 23/22 in Vancouver.

Wednesday November 22, 2023 | VICTORIA, BC [Updated 4:35 pm]

Political analysis by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Katrina Chen, MLA (Burnaby-Lougheed) has told the BC Legislature that she’s not running again in the next election (which comes up in October 2024).

katrina chen
Minister of State for Child Care, Katrina Chen, at the opening of the new child care center in Colwood, Dec 6, 2021. [Island Social Trends]

“We’ve all made decisions that have profoundly changed our lives, or even ourselves. I have – like working for the community I love for the past 17 years. Next year will mark my 10th year in elected positions, and I’ve decided not to seek re-election in 2024,” she later posted in social media.

Chen was elected in 2017 and 2020 and served as Minister of State for Child Care when John Horgan was premier.

She stepped down from cabinet in 2022 to deal with some long-term trauma resulting from gender-based violence.

Earlier this year MLA Melanie Mark stepped down saying that the colonialism of the BC Legislature had become too much for her.

Elected politics can take a toll on any politician, but has particular ways of challenging women, including the often additional load of raising children and the impacts of gender-bias (obvious such as being overlooked for promotion, or micro-aggression in many ways) that still exists in Canadian society. And the rigidity of organized elected office and government sometimes won’t leave enough room for creativity and flexibility.

“I used to think that I had to act tough to prove my worth as a younger woman of colour in politics, especially when faced with discrimination. But I finally learned to embrace the power of vulnerability. I want to live in the moment more, and I will always contribute to our community in every capacity I can,” said Chen in her remarks in the Legislative Assembly this afternoon. She added: “Life is short. We all come and go as temporary seat holders.”

view royal, town hall meeting

Education and Child Care:

Prior to her election as an MLA, Katrina served as a Trustee on the Burnaby Board of Education, and worked in both provincial and federal constituency offices for over 10 years. She has a Bachelor of Arts from Simon Fraser University with a major in political science and a minor in history, as well as a certificate in Immigration Laws, Policies and Procedures from the University of British Columbia.

Katrina has also worked as a community organizer with ACORN, emceed for major cultural festivals, and volunteered as an executive member for several local non-profit organizations. Katrina was born and raised in Taiwan, and moved to British Columbia many years ago.

As the mother of a young son, Katrina understands that quality, affordable child care gives children a strong foundation for the future and keeps our economy and communities moving by giving parents the option to return to work, go back to school or pursue other opportunities.

Chen attended the official opening of the Juan de Fuca Child Care Centre in Colwood in January 2022.

Today she left some parting thoughts on child care in BC: “…for those who will stay in this House longer — or way longer — please, please make the best decisions possible, like making $10-a-day child care a reality, fighting against gender-based violence, standing up for human rights and always investing in core services like housing, health, mental health, climate action and public education so we can build a more equitable society for all.”

katrina chen
Minister of State for Child Care, Katrina Chen, announces new child care supports for parents, Sept 23/22 in Vancouver.

Comments to Chen in social media:

  • “You are an inspiration. @KatrinaCBurnaby. You changed my life profoundly and the lives of so many in this province.” ~ Niki Sharma, Attorney General
  • “Thank you, Katrina, for your years of dedication in bringing affordable childcare to BC and for sharing your story of experiencing gender-based violence. You’ve left an indelible mark on so many people in this province.” ~ Josie Osborne, Minister of Energy, Mines & Low Carbon Innovation
  • “Thank you @KatrinaCBurnaby for your service to our province and your passion for childcare, violence against women and other important issues. It has been an honour to be your colleague in @BCNDPCaucus.” ~ Bob D’Eith, MLA
  • “Katrina has become an incredible friend and is an ongoing source of inspiration & support. The world is a better place because of you, Katrina. Wishing you the best.” ~ Brittny Anderson, MLA (Nelson-Creston)
  • “The decision you made to run and your work to introduce the first social program in decades is something to be so proud of.
    Because of you many women have been able to return to the workforce. You are an inspiration and you are my inspiration.” ~ Reah Arora, BC Federation of Labour
  • “Thank you for your leadership, friendship, and unwavering dedication to positive change You have taught me so much. You’ve worked so hard for childcare, women’s rights, and ensuring all feel welcome and safe!” ~ Amelia Hill
  • “Huge appreciation for @KatrinaCBurnaby as she announces she won’t won’t run in the next election. Katrina has made such a huge difference in BC politics – and to the lives of so many families with her work in making childcare more equitable and accessible in BC.” ~ Nikki Hill
  • “Thank you @KatrinaCBurnaby for your service and leadership. We need space for more voices like yours in the corridors of power to ensure our laws, programs and priorities reflect the needs of the communities that governments serve.” ~ Jeffrey Ferrier
  • “A standing ovation for @KatrinaCBurnaby who was respected on both sides of the aisle and received praise from anti-violence advocates who said she reduced the stigma against survivors by speaking out about her experience with gender-based violence.” ~ Katie DeRosa, Times Colonist
  • “Many people in BC will have appreciated all your commitment and efforts, especially your contributions to childcare as well as school-board. Congratulations as you shift from #WomenInPolitics to do fresh things!” ~ Mary P Brooke, Island Social Trends
jdf emergency

Ramping up to 2024:

Over the coming weeks and months there will be more indications of which current MLAs will be running and not running in the October 2024 election. Direct campaigning is likely to start in mid-summer 2024.

The BC NDP convention clearly put some MLAs more up front for delegates to know better and to carry the cabinet-level banner. Premier Eby’s campaign will either feature and/or be interrupted by the arrival of his third child (his wife Dr Cailey Lynch is pregnant and due in June).

alistair macgregor, langford

===== RELATED:

New child care savings for BC families (September 23, 2022)

JDF Child Care Centre responds to community demand (January 17, 2022)