Home Emergency Services - Firefighters Metchosin Fire hosts extrication training event

Metchosin Fire hosts extrication training event

Metchosin | Sooke | East Sooke

metchosin, firefighters, extrication, training
Extrication training at Metchosin Fire Hall for recruits from Metchosin, Sooke and East Sooke fire departments, May 28, 2023. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Monday May 29, 2023 | METCHOSIN, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Out in the Sunday afternoon heat behind the Metchosin Fire Hall, there was some stuff going on!

The actions of Recruit Class of 2023 held their final weekend of training.

stephanie dunlop, firefighters, metchosin
Extrication training for recruits from Metchosin, Sooke and East Sooke led by Metchosin Fire Chief Stephanie Dunlop, May 28, 2023. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Firefighter recruits from Metchosin, Sooke and East Sooke fire departments spent the weekend of May 27 and 28 undertaking training extrication. Those are the skills used when it’s necessary to get people out of vehicles in crash situations.

“Recruits did great and had a good time,” said Metchosin Fire Chief Stephanie Dunlop. She also thanked the instructors.

metchosin, fire hall, mvi, training, chief dunloip
Extrication training for recruits from Metchosin, Sooke and East Sooke led by Metchosin Fire Chief Stephanie Dunlop, May 28, 2023. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Vehicles were supplied by Westshore Towing. After the class was done, the remaining vehicles and metals are returned to the towing company for resale, recycling or disposal.

“This brings our 2023 recruit training to its end – all recruits have moved to Probationary status,” says Chief Dunlop.

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Vehicles for use in May 2023 extrication training were on loan from Westshore Towing. [Island Social Trends]
firefighters, recruits, metchosin, sooke, east sooke
Firefighter recruits from Metchosin, Sooke and East Sooke completed their training on May 28, 2023. [Metchosin Fire Dept]


Island Social Trends (and the previous publications MapleLine Magazine 2008-2010, Sooke Voice News 2011-2013, and West Shore Voice News 2014-2020) delivers socioeconomic news insights about life on the west shore of south Vancouver Island. All news is posted at IslandSocialTrends.ca . Editor Mary P Brooke. Published by Brookeline Publishing House Inc. | Never miss a story: PREMIUM SUBSCRIPTION SIGNUP