Home News by Region Colwood McKenzie Interchange: ramp-shift October 31

McKenzie Interchange: ramp-shift October 31

MOTI, McKenzie Interchange, map, ramps
New on/off ramps on McKenzie Interchange project, starting October 31, 2018 [MOTI map]

McKenzie Interchange project reaches next milestone

West Shore Voice News

Wednesday, October 31 ~ SAANICH. “Drivers should not feel spooked if their Halloween commute through the McKenzie Interchange feels a little different,” says the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) today, October 31, 2018.

Beginning this evening southbound highway traffic entering the intersection will be shifted to new temporary Admirals Road on- and off-ramps. [ See the hot-pink route on the map ]

MOTI says the traffic shift marks a major milestone for the McKenzie Interchange project, designed to improve the “Colwood Crawl” and ease South Island traffic congestion.

These ramps will allow crews to lower Highway 1 (Trans Canada Highway) and build the eventual overpass across the highway connecting McKenzie Avenue and Admirals Road.

This new southbound configuration, along with the existing northbound traffic pattern, will be in place until the interchange opens to free-flowing traffic by late summer 2019. The entire interchange project is anticipated to cut roughly 20 minutes off peak commute times and is on schedule to wrap up by the end of 2019.

MOTI expects some temporary initial delays as drivers adjust to the new lanes and signal locations. Staff will be on site during busy commute hours to monitor traffic flow and signal timing, and will make any necessary adjustments.

The ministry asks drivers to follow signs, watch for workers and obey the construction speed limit of 60 km/h.

Progress continues to be made on the remainder of the project, including the Galloping Goose Trail and McKenzie Avenue. Sound walls are being installed throughout the project site to help minimize construction noise for local residents and schools.

A map of the traffic shift can be found here: https://engage.gov.bc.ca/app/uploads/sites/166/2018/10/6420_McKenzieInterchange_Map.pdf

Regular updates and traffic advisories: www.drivebc.ca

More details on the interchange project: http://engage.gov.bc.ca/mckenzieinterchange/