Home Editorials Letters LETTER: Out-of-control government spending less likely under proportional representation

LETTER: Out-of-control government spending less likely under proportional representation

Government spending and politicians are 'out of control' says letter-writer from Kelowna, BC.

proportional representation
Proportional representation produces a direct result of seats from the votes cast. [Fair Vote Canada]

Saturday August 24, 2024 | KELOWNA, BC

LETTER by Andy Thomsen

Government spending is way out of control, and so are our politicians.

A recent article by CBC journalist Yvette Brend, dated June 30, 2024: ‘3 years and a whopping 239 million dollars in recovery funding later, Lytton still hasn’t rebuilt’, should ring some alarm bells.

$120 million of that money was awarded to some of the Chiefs for incidental discretionary spending. That would be like 20 million each for about six Chiefs, to spend on what?

It’s no wonder a First Nation elder is asking ‘Where is all that money going?’ It’s a ridiculous amount of money, and demands very detailed answers.

Some seed-money for public community infrastructure like water, sewer, health and safety – YES. Removing debris and sifting soil for archaeological artifacts – NOT A CENT!

Housing and fire mitigation are the owner’s responsibilities. Keep the grass short, wet, and green, and buy insurance.

Insured losses were about $102 million dollars that will help rebuild Lytton. Taxpayers cannot possibly be responsible for paying hundreds of millions of dollars to recover from this disaster, let alone any of the losses suffered in any of those wildfires. Those losses are staggering, and Lytton is just a drop in a big bucket.

Another news source is reporting the Canadian government has been awarding billions in contracts to Indigenous businesses without requiring proof of status, and that the Procurement Strategy for Indigenous Business (PSIB), relied mostly on an honour system.

The Chiefs and their lawyers must be laughing their heads off, while they are filling their pockets.

It’s no wonder our ‘woke’ and politically correct governments have no money left for our starving healthcare system, wasting billions of precious healthcare dollars while wait-lists are becoming painfully longer.

Our colonial political system has allowed our woke party leaders to assume uninhibited powers to continue to spend billions of dollars, with little or no accountability.

It will take a multi-member Proportional ballot to destroy that power, and put an end to this madness.

It’s the only ballot that will restore our rights, and produce honest democratic governments that include all colours and cultures fairly, including the Indigenous people, allowing them to preserve and enjoy their inherent cultures, while they transition into a better and more sustainable quality of life.

Without it, our political leaders will continue to transform Canada into a virtual dictatorship, regardless of who forms the next government.

~ LETTER by Andy Thomsen, Kelowna, BC

district of metchosin

===== EDITOR’s NOTE:

  • We have published this letter in the context of considering the overall spending powers of a majority government.
  • LETTERS on any topic of interest to public discourse may be sent to Island Social Trends for consideration: letters@islandsocialtrends.com
  • LETTERS do *not* necessary represent the views of the editor or publisher.

===== RELATED:

LETTER: Shift to proportional representation is overdue (June 26, 2024)