Home News by Region Langford Langford: more lots for homes with secondary suites

Langford: more lots for homes with secondary suites

Mayor Stew Young, Langford council
Langford Mayor and Council at the January 21, 2019 Regular Council Meeting [West Shore Voice News photo]

Tuesday, January 29, 2019 ~ LANGFORD

~ West Shore Voice News

About 65 people attended Langford Council on Monday evening January 21 for a public hearing about property zoning for 734 Latoria Road where the developer proposed to create 24 lots for single family homes with secondary suites.

Well-prepared and impassioned presentations by several members of the public led to extended banter with council over issues of density and parking despite protestations that they were not anti-development.

Mayor Stew Young, Langford council
Langford Mayor and Council at the January 21, 2019 Regular Council Meeting [West Shore Voice News photo]
Mayor Stew Young explained about trying to develop market housing that continues to be affordable. In the end, council passed intact their motions (2nd & 3rd readings) for Bylaws 1784 & 1785 for an OCP amendment (changing Agricultural to Hillside/Shoreline) and zoning amendment (from Agricultural to RS4/Residential Small Lot 4).

The developer will pay $1,000 per Single Family Equivalent (SFE) toward the Affordable Housing Reserve, $6,000 per SFE toward the General Amenity Reserve, and $6.72 per m2 of gross land area for exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve for creation of a protected environmental area.

Thinking ahead to allow for homes that have secondary suites provides both a financial bonus for homeowners as well as providing more rental opportunities for residents (secondary suites) within those homes.

First published on page 4 in the January 25, 2019 print-PDF weekend digest edition of West Shore Voice News